Sorry for hurting your eyes again with perl voodoo regex.
Generally this script compare constants in Python and C library using known
name conversion(please check py_name_2_c_name()):
1. Convert CaMel to CA_MEL
2. Convert System to SYSTEM
3. Convert Capabilities to CAP and etc using %PY_CLASS_NAME_CONV;
The report will be like:
C_MISS lsm.Disk.STATUS_REMOVED 1 << 5(32)
FAIL lsm.Fake.FAKE_NAME 1 << 5(32)
LSM_FAKE_FAKE_NAME 0x000010(16)
It found many missing, no failure in current code tree.
We will discuss and patch them later.
Signed-off-by: Gris Ge <***>
tools/utility/ | 489 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 489 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 tools/utility/
diff --git a/tools/utility/ b/tools/utility/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e5a700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/utility/
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# Author: Gris Ge <***>
+# This script compare public constants of lsm Python library files with C
+# library include files.
+# Naming scheme:
+# py_name # Constant name used in Python, example:
+# # 'lsm.System.STATUS_OK'
+# py_value # The value of python constant.
+# c_name # Constant name used in C, example:
+# c_value # The value of C constant. We stored the raw string.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Basename;
+use Cwd 'abs_path';
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $LSM_CODE_BASE_DIR = dirname( dirname( dirname( abs_path($0) ) ) );
+my $PYTHON_LIB_DIR = "$LSM_CODE_BASE_DIR/python_binding/lsm";
+ . "/c_binding/include/libstoragemgmt/libstoragemgmt.h";
+ (?<NUM>(?&NUM_PAT))
+ (?(DEFINE)
+ # integer number
+ (?<NUM_INT>
+ [0-9]+
+ )
+ # Bit shift:
+ # 1 << 9
+ 1
+ [\ \t]+
+ <<
+ [\ \t]+
+ [0-9]+
+ )
+ # Hex number
+ (?<NUM_HEX>
+ 0x[0-9]+
+ )
+ (?<NUM_PAT>
+ (?&NUM_BIT_SHIFT) | (?&NUM_HEX) | (?&NUM_INT)
+ )
+ )
+ ^
+ (?: (?&HEADER_PAT))
+ (?: (?&SPLITER_PAT))
+ (?<NUM>(?&NUM_PAT))
+ (?(DEFINE)
+ # integer number
+ (?<NUM_INT>
+ [0-9]+
+ )
+ # Bit shift:
+ # 1 << 9
+ 1
+ [\ \t]+
+ <<
+ [\ \t]+
+ [0-9]+
+ )
+ # Hex number
+ # 0x0000000000000001
+ (?<NUM_HEX>
+ 0x[0-9]+
+ )
+ (?<NUM_PAT>
+ (?&NUM_BIT_SHIFT) | (?&NUM_HEX) | (?&NUM_INT)
+ )
+ [A-Z][A-Z_]+
+ )
+ (?<HEADER1>
+ [\ \t]*
+ )
+ (?<HEADER2>
+ \#define[\ \t]+
+ )
+ (?&HEADER1) | (?&HEADER2)
+ )
+ [\ \t]*
+ [=]*
+ [\ \t]*
+ )
+ )
+ 'Capabilities' => 'CAP',
+ 'ErrorNumber' => 'ERR',
+ 'JobStatus' => 'JOB',
+ 'ErrorLevel' => 'ERR_LEVEL',
+my $REF_RESULT = {
+ 'pass' => {},
+ 'fail' => {},
+ 'c_missing' => {},
+ 'py_missing' => {},
+ 'c_const_hash' => {},
+ 'py_const_hash' => {},
+ 'known_c_to_py_name' => {},
+ 'known_py_to_c_name' => {},
+# $REF_RESULT = {
+# 'pass' => {
+# $py_name => 1, # Just for deduplication.
+# },
+# 'fail' => {
+# $py_name => 1, # Just for deduplication.
+# },
+# 'c_missing' => {
+# $py_name => 1,
+# },
+# 'py_missing' => {
+# $c_name => 1,
+# },
+# 'py_const_hash' => {
+# $py_name => $py_value,
+# },
+# 'c_const_hash' => {
+# $c_name => $c_value,
+# },
+# 'known_c_to_py_name' => {
+# $c_name => $py_name,
+# }
+# }
+sub is_in_array($$) {
+ my $ref_array = shift;
+ my $item = shift;
+ return 1 if grep { $_ eq $item } @{$ref_array};
+ return undef;
+sub py_name_2_c_name($) {
+ # We do these conversion:
+ # 1. Convert CaMel to CA_MEL
+ # 2. Convert System to SYSTEM
+ # 3. Convert Capabilities to CAP and etc using %PY_CLASS_NAME_CONV;
+ my $py_name = shift;
+ if ( $py_name =~ /^lsm\.([a-zA-Z]+)\.([A-Z_]+)$/ ) {
+ my $py_class_name = $1;
+ my $py_var_name = $2;
+ # Convert camel class name
+ if (defined $PY_CLASS_NAME_CONV{$py_class_name}){
+ return sprintf "LSM_%s_%s",
+ $PY_CLASS_NAME_CONV{$py_class_name}, $py_var_name;
+ }
+ if ( $py_class_name =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]+$/ ) {
+ $py_class_name =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
+ return sprintf "LSM_%s_%s", $py_class_name, $py_var_name;
+ }
+ if ( $py_class_name =~ /^([A-Z][a-z]+)([A-Z][a-z]+)$/ ) {
+ $py_class_name = sprintf "%s_%s", $1, $2;
+ $py_class_name =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
+ return sprintf "LSM_%s_%s", $py_class_name, $py_var_name;
+ }
+ }
+ die "FAIL: Ilegal python constant name '$py_name'.\n";
+sub _parse_c_init_header($){
+ # Take initial C header file and read its sub header files
+ # Return a reference of array containing file path.
+ my $init_header = shift;
+ my $folder_path = dirname($init_header);
+ open my $init_header_fd, "<", $init_header
+ or die "FAIL: Failed to open $init_header $!\n";
+ my @rc = ();
+ map{
+ push @rc, "$folder_path/$1" if /#include "([^"]+)"/;
+ }<$init_header_fd>;
+ return \@rc;
+sub _get_c_constants($){
+ my $c_header = shift;
+ open my $c_header_fd, "<", $c_header
+ or die "FAIL: Failed to open $c_header $!\n";
+ my %rc = ();
+ map{
+ $rc{$+{'CNAME'}} = $+{'NUM'} if /$REGEX_C_CONST_FORMAT/;
+ }<$c_header_fd>;
+ return \%rc;
+sub parse_out_c_const() {
+ # Return a reference like this:
+ # {
+ # $c_name => $value,
+ # }
+ my $ref_sub_c_headers = _parse_c_init_header($C_LIB_HEADER);
+ my $ref_c_name_2_value = {};
+ foreach my $cur_c_header (@{$ref_sub_c_headers}){
+ my $ref_tmp = _get_c_constants($cur_c_header);
+ foreach my $key_name (keys %{$ref_tmp}){
+ $ref_c_name_2_value->{$key_name} = $ref_tmp->{$key_name};
+ }
+ }
+ return $ref_c_name_2_value;
+sub _parse_py_init_file($) {
+ # Return a reference of array containging file path of sub python module.
+ my $init_file = shift;
+ open my $init_fd, "<", $init_file
+ or die "FAIL: Failed to open $init_file: $!\n";
+ my $folder_path = dirname($init_file);
+ my @rc1 = ();
+ my @rc2 = ();
+ my @lines = ();
+ # Merge multiline codes
+ foreach my $line (<$init_fd>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if ( $line =~ /^[^ ]/ ) {
+ push @lines, $line;
+ }
+ else {
+ $lines[-1] .= $line;
+ }
+ }
+ close $init_fd;
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ if ( $line =~ /from ([^ ]+) import (.+)$/ ) {
+ push @rc1, sprintf "%s/", $folder_path, $1;
+ my $class_line = $2;
+ while ( $class_line =~ /([A-Z][a-zA-Z]+)[, \\]*/g ) {
+ push @rc2, $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return \@rc1, \@rc2;
+sub _get_py_class_consts($$){
+ # Take $file_path and $ref_classes
+ # Return reference of hash:
+ # {
+ # $py_name => $value,
+ # }
+ my $py_file = shift;
+ my $ref_classes = shift;
+ open my $py_fd, "<", $py_file
+ or die "FAIL: Failed to open $py_file: $!\n";
+ my %rc_hash = ();
+ my $cur_class_name = undef;
+ my $current_idention = undef;
+ foreach my $line (<$py_fd>){
+ chomp $line;
+ if ($line =~ /^([ ]*)class[ ]+([^\(]+)\(/){
+ $current_idention = $1;
+ $cur_class_name = $2;
+ unless (is_in_array($ref_classes, $cur_class_name)){
+ $cur_class_name = undef;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ unless(defined $cur_class_name){
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /^$current_idention
+ [\ ]+
+ ([A-Z][A-Z\_]+)
+ [\ ]*=[\ ]*
+ my $var_name = $1;
+ my $py_value = $2;
+ my $py_name = sprintf "lsm.%s.%s", $cur_class_name, $var_name;
+ $rc_hash{$py_name} = $py_value;
+ }
+ }
+ close $py_fd;
+ return \%rc_hash;
+sub parse_out_py_const() {
+ # Return a reference like this:
+ # {
+ # $py_name => $value,
+ # }
+ my ( $ref_sub_files, $ref_classes ) =
+ _parse_py_init_file("$PYTHON_LIB_DIR/");
+ my $ref_py_name_2_value = {};
+ foreach my $cur_py_file (@{$ref_sub_files}){
+ my $ref_tmp = _get_py_class_consts($cur_py_file, $ref_classes);
+ foreach my $key_name (keys %{$ref_tmp}){
+ $ref_py_name_2_value->{$key_name} = $ref_tmp->{$key_name};
+ }
+ }
+ return $ref_py_name_2_value;
+sub value_str_to_int($) {
+ my $raw_value = shift;
+ unless ( defined $raw_value ) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if ( $raw_value =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) {
+ return $raw_value;
+ }
+ if ( $raw_value =~ /^0x[0-9]+$/ ) {
+ return hex $raw_value;
+ }
+ if ( $raw_value =~ /^([0-9]+) +<< +([0-9]+)$/ ) {
+ return $1 << $2;
+ }
+ die "FAIL: Failed to convert $raw_value to integer\n";
+sub record_result($$$$) {
+ # Take ($py_name, $py_value, $c_name, $c_value)
+ # Update $REF_RESULT
+ my $py_name = shift;
+ my $py_value = shift;
+ my $c_name = shift;
+ my $c_value = shift;
+ my $real_py_value = undef;
+ my $real_c_value = undef;
+ if ( ( defined $py_name ) && ( defined $py_value ) ) {
+ $real_py_value = value_str_to_int($py_value);
+ $REF_RESULT->{'py_const_hash'}->{$py_name} = sprintf "%s(%s)",
+ $py_value, $real_py_value;
+ }
+ if ( ( defined $c_name ) && ( defined $c_value ) ) {
+ $real_c_value = value_str_to_int($c_value);
+ $REF_RESULT->{'c_const_hash'}->{$c_name} = sprintf "%s(%s)", $c_value,
+ $real_c_value;
+ }
+ unless ($py_name) {
+ my $known_py_name = $REF_RESULT->{'known_c_to_py_name'}->{$c_name};
+ return 1 if $known_py_name; # Already checked.
+ $REF_RESULT->{'py_missing'}->{$c_name} = 'unknown';
+ return 1;
+ }
+ unless ($c_name) {
+ # ilegal python variable name, result already updated by
+ # py_name_2_c_name()
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $REF_RESULT->{'known_c_to_py_name'}->{$c_name} = $py_name;
+ $REF_RESULT->{'known_py_to_c_name'}->{$py_name} = $c_name;
+ unless ( defined $py_value ) {
+ # value for py_value will never be undef, just in case.
+ $REF_RESULT->{'py_missing'}->{$c_name} = $py_value;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ unless ( defined $c_value ) {
+ $REF_RESULT->{'c_missing'}->{$py_name} = $c_name;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( $real_py_value == $real_c_value ) {
+ $REF_RESULT->{'pass'}->{$py_name} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $REF_RESULT->{'fail'}->{$py_name} = 1;
+ }
+ 1;
+sub show_result() {
+ my $format = "%-10s%-60s %s\n";
+ my @pass_py_names = sort keys %{ $REF_RESULT->{'pass'} };
+ my @fail_py_names = sort keys %{ $REF_RESULT->{'fail'} };
+ my @py_missing_c_names = sort keys %{ $REF_RESULT->{'py_missing'} };
+ my @c_missing_py_names = sort keys %{ $REF_RESULT->{'c_missing'} };
+ my $ref_py_name_2_c_name = $REF_RESULT->{'known_py_to_c_name'};
+ my $ref_py_name_2_value = $REF_RESULT->{'py_const_hash'};
+ my $ref_c_name_2_value = $REF_RESULT->{'c_const_hash'};
+ # Header
+ printf $format, '#'x8, 'Name', 'Value';
+ print "\n";
+ foreach my $py_name (@pass_py_names) {
+ my $py_value = $ref_py_name_2_value->{$py_name};
+ my $c_name = $ref_py_name_2_c_name->{$py_name};
+ my $c_value = $ref_c_name_2_value->{$c_name};
+ printf ($format, "PASS", $py_name, $py_value);
+ printf ($format, " ", $c_name, $c_value);
+ }
+ foreach my $c_name (@py_missing_c_names) {
+ my $py_name = '-' x 8;
+ my $py_value = '-' x 8;
+ my $c_value = $ref_c_name_2_value->{$c_name};
+ printf ($format, "PY_MISS", $c_name, $c_value);
+ }
+ foreach my $py_name (@c_missing_py_names) {
+ my $c_name = '-' x 8;
+ my $c_value = '-' x 8;
+ my $py_value = $ref_py_name_2_value->{$py_name};
+ printf ($format, "C_MISS", $py_name, $py_value);
+ }
+ foreach my $py_name (@fail_py_names) {
+ my $py_value = $ref_py_name_2_value->{$py_name};
+ my $c_name = $ref_py_name_2_c_name->{$py_name};
+ my $c_value = $ref_c_name_2_value->{$c_name};
+ printf ($format, "FAIL", $py_name, $py_value);
+ printf ($format, " ", $c_name, $c_value);
+ }
+ 1;
+sub main() {
+ my $ref_py_const_hash = parse_out_py_const();
+ my $ref_c_const_hash = parse_out_c_const();
+ map {
+ my $py_name = $_;
+ my $c_name = py_name_2_c_name($py_name);
+ record_result(
+ $py_name, $ref_py_const_hash->{$py_name},
+ $c_name, $ref_c_const_hash->{$c_name}
+ )
+ } keys %{$ref_py_const_hash};
+ map {
+ my $c_name = $_;
+ # We don't have a way to convert C constant name to python one.
+ # We just treat all C constant as missing if not marked by previous
+ # check.
+ record_result( undef, undef, $c_name, $ref_c_const_hash->{$c_name} )
+ } keys %{$ref_c_const_hash};
+ show_result();
+ exit 1
+ if ( %{ $REF_RESULT->{'fail'} }
+ || %{ $REF_RESULT->{'c_missing'} }
+ || %{ $REF_RESULT->{'py_missing'} } );
+ exit 0;