Gris Ge
2014-05-14 15:11:54 UTC
* Update pool_create() to fit the new python library definition.
* Both pool_create() and pool_delete() support interop namespace now.
But as job_status() is not supporting interop yet, you will still get
* Not support LSI MegaRAID yet. Their SMI-S provider require InExtents
defined and provide no auto choosing feature.
This is pretty time-consuming task(find free disks) in SNIA way, but LSI
vendor specific way is much easier. Will add them later.
* Not support defining disk type via member_type yet. As said in code
comments, SNIA 1.6.1 can define required disk type via CIM_StorageSetting.
But no vendor implement 1.6.1 yet.
Finding free disks is time consuming, AFAIK.
Tested on EMC VNX for RAID5, that's all I have for SMI-S provider.
Signed-off-by: Gris Ge <***>
plugin/smispy/ | 327 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 193 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugin/smispy/ b/plugin/smispy/
index d053366..9c4c12b 100644
--- a/plugin/smispy/
+++ b/plugin/smispy/
@@ -141,20 +141,6 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
# DMTF CIM 2.38.0+ CIM_StorageSetting['ThinProvisionedPoolType']
- EMC_THINP_POOL_TYPE_THICK = pywbem.Uint16(0)
- # DMTF CIM 2.38+ CIM_StorageSetting['ParityLayout']
- DMTF_PARITY_LAYOUT_ROTATE = pywbem.Uint16(2)
- @staticmethod
- def _lsm_thinp_type_to_dmtf(thinp_type):
- if thinp_type == Pool.THINP_TYPE_THIN:
- thinp_type_str = Pool.thinp_type_to_str(thinp_type)
- raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.INTERNAL_ERROR,
- "_lsm_thinp_type_to_dmtf() got unkown input " +
- "thinp_type %d(%s)" % (thinp_type, thinp_type_str))
# DMTF Disk Type
@@ -1314,7 +1300,7 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
for cim_sys in cim_syss:
sys_id = self._sys_id(cim_sys)
pool_pros = self._property_list_of_id('Pool')
- for cim_pool in self._pools(cim_sys, pool_pros):
+ for cim_pool in self._cim_pools_of(cim_sys.path, pool_pros):
pool_id = self._pool_id(cim_pool)
cim_vols = self._c.Associators(
@@ -1379,7 +1365,7 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
return cim_syss
- def _pools(self, cim_sys, property_list=None):
+ def _cim_pools_of(self, cim_sys_path, property_list=None):
pros = []
if property_list is None:
pros = ['Primordial']
@@ -1388,7 +1374,7 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
if 'Primordial' not in pros:
- cim_pools = self._c.Associators(cim_sys.path,
+ cim_pools = self._c.Associators(cim_sys_path,
@@ -1438,7 +1424,7 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
for cim_sys in cim_syss:
system_id = self._sys_id(cim_sys)
- for cim_pool in self._pools(cim_sys, cim_pool_pros):
+ for cim_pool in self._cim_pools_of(cim_sys.path, cim_pool_pros):
# Skip spare storage pool.
if 'Usage' in cim_pool and \
cim_pool['Usage'] == Smis.DMTF_POOL_USAGE_SPARE:
@@ -3020,10 +3006,20 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
Delete a Pool via CIM_StorageConfigurationService.DeleteStoragePool
- cim_sys = self._get_cim_instance_by_id('System', pool.system_id, False)
- cim_scs = self._get_cim_scs(cim_sys.path, [])
+ cim_sys_pros = self._property_list_of_id("System")
+ if not self.fallback_mode and \
+ self._profile_is_supported(Smis.SNIA_BLK_SRVS_PROFILE,
+ strict=False) is None:
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
+ "SMI-S %s version %s is not supported" %
+ cim_sys = self._get_cim_sys_by_id(pool.system_id)
+ cim_pool = self._get_cim_pool_by_id(cim_sys.path,
+ cim_scs = self._get_cim_scs(cim_sys.path)
- cim_pool = self._get_cim_instance_by_id('Pool',, False)
in_params = {'Pool': cim_pool.path}
return self._pi("pool_delete", Smis.JOB_RETRIEVE_NONE,
@@ -3032,16 +3028,26 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
- def pool_create(self, system_id, pool_name, raid_type, member_type,
- member_ids, member_count, size_bytes, thinp_type, flags=0):
+ def pool_create(self, system, pool_name, size_bytes,
+ raid_type=Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN,
+ member_type=Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, flags=0):
Creating pool via
+ from SMI-S 1.4+ "Block Services" profile.
TODO: Each vendor are needing different parameters for
- cim_sys = self._get_cim_instance_by_id('System', system_id, False)
- cim_scs = self._get_cim_scs(cim_sys.path, [])
+ if not self.fallback_mode and \
+ self._profile_is_supported(Smis.SNIA_BLK_SRVS_PROFILE,
+ strict=False) is None:
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
+ "SMI-S %s version %s is not supported" %
+ cim_sys = self._get_cim_sys_by_id(
# we does not support defining thinp_type yet.
# just using whatever provider set.
@@ -3051,48 +3057,48 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
in_params['ElementName'] = pool_name
in_cim_exts_path = []
- if member_type == Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_DISK:
- if member_ids and len(member_ids) >= 1:
- cim_exts = self._pri_cim_ext_of_disk_ids(member_ids)
- system_id = None
- for cim_ext in cim_exts:
- tmp_system_id = self._sys_id_child(cim_ext)
- if not system_id:
- system_id = tmp_system_id
- elif system_id != tmp_system_id:
- raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.INVALID_DISK,
- "Specified member are belong to " +
- "two or more system: %s %s" %
- (system_id, tmp_system_id))
- if cim_exts:
- in_cim_exts_path = [x.path for x in cim_exts]
- in_params['InExtents'] = in_cim_exts_path
+ if Pool.member_type_is_disk(member_type):
+ disk_type = Pool.member_type_to_disk_type(member_type)
+ if disk_type != Disk.DISK_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ # We have to define InExtents for certain disk type.
+ # SNIA 1.6.1 CIM_StorageSetting has these experimetal
+ # properties:
+ # DiskType, InterconnectType, InterconnectSpeed,
+ # FormFactor, RPM, PortType.
+ # But currently, no vendor implement that.
+ # And there is no effective way to detect the free disks,
+ # walking though all CIM_CompositeExtent is not a good idea.
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
+ "The pool_create of SMI-S plugin does not "
+ "support defining disk type in member_type")
+ else:
+ # We depend on SMI-S provider to chose the disks for us.
+ pass
elif member_type == Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_POOL:
- cim_member_pools_path = []
- for member_id in member_ids:
- cim_member_pools_path.extend(
- [self._get_cim_instance_by_id('Pool', member_id,
- False, None).path])
- in_params['InPools'] = cim_member_pools_path
+ # I(Gris) have lost my access to IBM DS8000 which support pool
+ # over pool. I will raise NO_SUPPORT until got array to test on.
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
+ "The pool_create of SMI-S plugin does not "
+ "support creating pool over pool(sub-pool) yet")
elif member_type == Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_VOLUME:
raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
- "Creating Pool against another Volume is not " +
- "supported by SMIS plugin")
- # TODO: support member_count
- if member_count and member_count > 0:
- raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
- "member_count is not supported by " +
- "SMI-S plugin yet.")
+ "The pool_create of SMI-S plugin does not "
+ "support creating pool on volume yet")
+ elif member_type == Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
+ "Got invalid member_type %d" % member_type)
+ in_params['Size'] = pywbem.Uint64(size_bytes)
- if size_bytes > 0:
- in_params['Size'] = pywbem.Uint64(size_bytes)
+ if raid_type != Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ in_params['Goal'] = self._cim_st_path_for_goal(
+ raid_type, cim_sys.path)
- if raid_type != Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN and \
- raid_type != Pool.RAID_TYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE:
- in_params['Goal'] = self._cim_st_set_for_goal(
- raid_type, thinp_type, cim_sys.path)
+ cim_scs = self._get_cim_scs(cim_sys.path)
in_params = self._pool_chg_paras_check(in_params, cim_sys.path)
return self._pi("pool_create", Smis.JOB_RETRIEVE_POOL,
@@ -3186,92 +3192,104 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
- def _find_preset_st_set(self, cim_cap_path, raid_type, thinp_type):
+ def _find_preset_cim_st(self, cim_cap_path, raid_type):
Find first proper CIM_StorageSetting under speficied
- CIM_StorageCapabilities by giving raid_type and thinp_type.
+ CIM_StorageCapabilities by giving raid_type.
+ Thin pool prefered.
cim_cap_path # CIMInstanceName of CIM_StorageCapabilities
raid_type # Pool.RAID_TYPE_XXX
- thinp_type # Pool.THINP_TYPE_XXX
- cim_st_set # CIMInstance of CIM_StorageSetting
+ cim_st # CIMInstance of CIM_StorageSetting
None # No match found
- cim_fix_st_sets = self._c.Associators(
+ cim_sts = self._c.Associators(
- if not cim_fix_st_sets:
+ if not cim_sts:
return None
- raid_type_str = Pool.raid_type_to_str(raid_type)
- # According to SNIA suggest, RAID6 can also be writen as RAID5DP
- # and etc.
- possible_element_names = [raid_type_str]
- if raid_type_str == 'RAID6':
- possible_element_names.extend(['RAID5DP'])
- elif raid_type_str == 'RAID10':
- possible_element_names.extend(['RAID1+0'])
- if thinp_type != Pool.THINP_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
- if thinp_type == Pool.THINP_TYPE_THIN:
- # searching for a thin CIM_StorageSetting
- dmtf_thinp_type = self._lsm_thinp_type_to_dmtf(thinp_type)
- for cim_st_set in cim_fix_st_sets:
- if 'ElementName' in cim_st_set \
- and cim_st_set['ElementName'] \
- in possible_element_names \
- and cim_st_set['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] \
- == dmtf_thinp_type:
- return cim_st_set.path
- else: # searching for a Thick CIM_StorageSetting
- for cim_st_set in cim_fix_st_sets:
- if 'ElementName' not in cim_st_set or \
- cim_st_set['ElementName'] not in possible_element_names:
- continue
- if 'ThinProvisionedPoolType' not in cim_st_set:
- return cim_st_set.path
- # EMC define Thick pools with ThinProvisionedPoolType
- # value.
- elif cim_st_set.classname == 'Clar_StoragePoolSetting' \
- and cim_st_set['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] \
- return cim_st_set.path
- else: # Searching a CIM_StorageSetting regardless Thin or Thick.
- for cim_st_set in cim_fix_st_sets:
- if 'ElementName' in cim_st_set and \
- cim_st_set['ElementName'] in possible_element_names:
- return cim_st_set.path
+ possible_element_names = []
+ if raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_JBOD:
+ possible_element_names = ['JBOD']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID0 or \
+ raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID0']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID1:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID1']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID3:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID3']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID4:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID4']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID5:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID5']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID6:
+ # According to SNIA suggest, RAID6 can also be writen as RAID5DP
+ # and etc.
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID6', 'RAID5DP']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID10:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID10', 'RAID1+0']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID50:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID50', 'RAID5+0']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID60:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID60', 'RAID6+0', 'RAID5DP+0']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID51:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID51', 'RAID5+1']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID61:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID61', 'RAID6+1', 'RAID5DP+1']
+ else:
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
+ "Got unknown RAID type: %d" % raid_type)
+ chose_cim_sts = []
+ for cim_st in cim_sts:
+ if cim_st['ElementName'] in possible_element_names:
+ chose_cim_sts.extend([cim_st])
+ if len(chose_cim_sts) == 1:
+ return chose_cim_sts[0]
+ elif len(chose_cim_sts) > 1:
+ # Perfer the thin pool. This is for EMC VNX which support both
+ # think pool(less feature) and thin pool.
+ for cim_st in chose_cim_sts:
+ if cim_st['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] == \
+ return cim_st
+ # Return the first one if no thin pool setting found.
+ return chose_cim_sts[0]
return None
- def _cim_st_set_for_goal(self, raid_type, thinp_type, cim_sys_path):
+ def _cim_st_path_for_goal(self, raid_type, cim_sys_path):
Find out the array pre-defined CIM_StorageSetting for certain RAID
- Level. Only check CIM_StorageSetting['ElementName'] for RAID type,
- and CIM_StorageSetting['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] for Thin
- Provision setting.
+ Level. Check CIM_StorageSetting['ElementName'] for RAID type.
Even SNIA defined a way to create new setting, but we find out
that not a good way to follow.
+ Pool.RAID_TYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE will be treat as RAID 0.
+ # TODO: currently no check we will get one member for
+ # Pool.RAID_TYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE. Maybe we should replace
+ # this RAID type by RAID_0.
raid_type # Tier.RAID_TYPE_XXX
- disk_count # how many disks will this RAID group hold.
cim_sys_path # CIMInstanceName of CIM_ComputerSystem.
- cim_st_set_path # Found or created CIMInstanceName of
+ cim_st_path # Found or created CIMInstanceName of
# CIM_StorageSetting
ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT # Failed to find out
# suitable CIM_StorageSetting
- cim_chose_st_set_path = None
+ chose_cim_st = None
# We will try to find the existing CIM_StorageSetting
# with ElementName equal to raid_type_str
# potted(pre-defined) CIM_StorageSetting
@@ -3287,27 +3305,19 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
if not cim_pool_path:
raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
- "Target storage array does not have "
+ "Target storage array does not have any "
"Primordial CIM_StoragePool")
cim_caps = self._c.Associators(
for cim_cap in cim_caps:
- cim_tmp_st_set = self._find_preset_st_set(
- cim_cap.path,
- raid_type,
- thinp_type)
- if cim_tmp_st_set:
- cim_chose_st_set_path = cim_tmp_st_set
- break
- if not cim_chose_st_set_path:
- raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
- "Current array does not support RAID type: " +
- "%s and thinp_type %s" %
- (Pool.raid_type_to_str(raid_type),
- Pool.thinp_type_to_str(thinp_type)))
- return cim_chose_st_set_path
+ tmp_cim_st_set = self._find_preset_cim_st(cim_cap.path, raid_type)
+ if tmp_cim_st_set:
+ return tmp_cim_st_set.path
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
+ "Current array does not support RAID type: %d"
+ % raid_type)
def _pool_chg_paras_check(self, in_params, cim_sys_path):
@@ -3321,6 +3331,8 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
new_in_params # a dict of updated parameters
+ # EMC vendor specific value for thick pool.
new_in_params = in_params
cim_scss = self._c.AssociatorNames(
@@ -3357,12 +3369,13 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
if cim_sys_path.classname == 'Clar_StorageSystem':
if 'Goal' in new_in_params and 'ElementName' in new_in_params:
## EMC VNX/CX RAID Group should not define a ElementName.
- cim_st_set_path = new_in_params['Goal']
- cim_st_set = self._c.GetInstance(
- cim_st_set_path,
- PropertyList=['ThinProvisionedPoolType'],LocalOnly=False)
- if cim_st_set['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] == \
+ cim_st_path = new_in_params['Goal']
+ cim_st = self._c.GetInstance(
+ cim_st_path,
+ PropertyList=['ThinProvisionedPoolType'],
+ LocalOnly=False)
+ if cim_st['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] == \
del new_in_params['ElementName']
if 'Pool' in new_in_params and 'Goal' in new_in_params:
## Expanding VNX/CX Pool/RAID Group shoud not define Goal
@@ -3645,3 +3658,49 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
return needed_cim_syss
return cim_syss
+ def _get_cim_sys_by_id(self, system_id, property_list=None):
+ """
+ Return a CIMInstance of CIM_ComputerSystem for given system id.
+ """
+ cim_sys_pros = self._property_list_of_id("System")
+ if property_list is None:
+ property_list = cim_sys_pros
+ else:
+ for pro in cim_sys_pros:
+ if pro not in property_list:
+ property_list.extend([pro])
+ if self.fallback_mode:
+ cim_syss = self._get_cim_syss_fallback(property_list)
+ else:
+ cim_syss = self._get_cim_syss(
+ strict=False,
+ property_list=property_list,
+ raise_error=True)
+ for cim_sys in cim_syss:
+ if self._sys_id(cim_sys) == system_id:
+ return cim_sys
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NOT_FOUND_SYSTEM,
+ "System %s not found" %
+ def _get_cim_pool_by_id(self, cim_sys_path, pool_id, property_list=None):
+ """
+ Return a CIMInstance of CIM_StoragePool for given pool id.
+ """
+ cim_sys_pros = self._property_list_of_id("Pool")
+ if property_list is None:
+ property_list = cim_sys_pros
+ else:
+ for pro in cim_sys_pros:
+ if pro not in property_list:
+ property_list.extend([pro])
+ cim_pools = self._cim_pools_of(cim_sys_path, property_list)
+ for cim_pool in cim_pools:
+ if self._pool_id(cim_pool) == pool_id:
+ return cim_pool
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NOT_FOUND_POOL,
+ "System %s not found" % pool_id)
* Both pool_create() and pool_delete() support interop namespace now.
But as job_status() is not supporting interop yet, you will still get
* Not support LSI MegaRAID yet. Their SMI-S provider require InExtents
defined and provide no auto choosing feature.
This is pretty time-consuming task(find free disks) in SNIA way, but LSI
vendor specific way is much easier. Will add them later.
* Not support defining disk type via member_type yet. As said in code
comments, SNIA 1.6.1 can define required disk type via CIM_StorageSetting.
But no vendor implement 1.6.1 yet.
Finding free disks is time consuming, AFAIK.
Tested on EMC VNX for RAID5, that's all I have for SMI-S provider.
Signed-off-by: Gris Ge <***>
plugin/smispy/ | 327 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 193 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugin/smispy/ b/plugin/smispy/
index d053366..9c4c12b 100644
--- a/plugin/smispy/
+++ b/plugin/smispy/
@@ -141,20 +141,6 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
# DMTF CIM 2.38.0+ CIM_StorageSetting['ThinProvisionedPoolType']
- EMC_THINP_POOL_TYPE_THICK = pywbem.Uint16(0)
- # DMTF CIM 2.38+ CIM_StorageSetting['ParityLayout']
- DMTF_PARITY_LAYOUT_ROTATE = pywbem.Uint16(2)
- @staticmethod
- def _lsm_thinp_type_to_dmtf(thinp_type):
- if thinp_type == Pool.THINP_TYPE_THIN:
- thinp_type_str = Pool.thinp_type_to_str(thinp_type)
- raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.INTERNAL_ERROR,
- "_lsm_thinp_type_to_dmtf() got unkown input " +
- "thinp_type %d(%s)" % (thinp_type, thinp_type_str))
# DMTF Disk Type
@@ -1314,7 +1300,7 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
for cim_sys in cim_syss:
sys_id = self._sys_id(cim_sys)
pool_pros = self._property_list_of_id('Pool')
- for cim_pool in self._pools(cim_sys, pool_pros):
+ for cim_pool in self._cim_pools_of(cim_sys.path, pool_pros):
pool_id = self._pool_id(cim_pool)
cim_vols = self._c.Associators(
@@ -1379,7 +1365,7 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
return cim_syss
- def _pools(self, cim_sys, property_list=None):
+ def _cim_pools_of(self, cim_sys_path, property_list=None):
pros = []
if property_list is None:
pros = ['Primordial']
@@ -1388,7 +1374,7 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
if 'Primordial' not in pros:
- cim_pools = self._c.Associators(cim_sys.path,
+ cim_pools = self._c.Associators(cim_sys_path,
@@ -1438,7 +1424,7 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
for cim_sys in cim_syss:
system_id = self._sys_id(cim_sys)
- for cim_pool in self._pools(cim_sys, cim_pool_pros):
+ for cim_pool in self._cim_pools_of(cim_sys.path, cim_pool_pros):
# Skip spare storage pool.
if 'Usage' in cim_pool and \
cim_pool['Usage'] == Smis.DMTF_POOL_USAGE_SPARE:
@@ -3020,10 +3006,20 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
Delete a Pool via CIM_StorageConfigurationService.DeleteStoragePool
- cim_sys = self._get_cim_instance_by_id('System', pool.system_id, False)
- cim_scs = self._get_cim_scs(cim_sys.path, [])
+ cim_sys_pros = self._property_list_of_id("System")
+ if not self.fallback_mode and \
+ self._profile_is_supported(Smis.SNIA_BLK_SRVS_PROFILE,
+ strict=False) is None:
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
+ "SMI-S %s version %s is not supported" %
+ cim_sys = self._get_cim_sys_by_id(pool.system_id)
+ cim_pool = self._get_cim_pool_by_id(cim_sys.path,
+ cim_scs = self._get_cim_scs(cim_sys.path)
- cim_pool = self._get_cim_instance_by_id('Pool',, False)
in_params = {'Pool': cim_pool.path}
return self._pi("pool_delete", Smis.JOB_RETRIEVE_NONE,
@@ -3032,16 +3028,26 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
- def pool_create(self, system_id, pool_name, raid_type, member_type,
- member_ids, member_count, size_bytes, thinp_type, flags=0):
+ def pool_create(self, system, pool_name, size_bytes,
+ raid_type=Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN,
+ member_type=Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, flags=0):
Creating pool via
+ from SMI-S 1.4+ "Block Services" profile.
TODO: Each vendor are needing different parameters for
- cim_sys = self._get_cim_instance_by_id('System', system_id, False)
- cim_scs = self._get_cim_scs(cim_sys.path, [])
+ if not self.fallback_mode and \
+ self._profile_is_supported(Smis.SNIA_BLK_SRVS_PROFILE,
+ strict=False) is None:
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
+ "SMI-S %s version %s is not supported" %
+ cim_sys = self._get_cim_sys_by_id(
# we does not support defining thinp_type yet.
# just using whatever provider set.
@@ -3051,48 +3057,48 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
in_params['ElementName'] = pool_name
in_cim_exts_path = []
- if member_type == Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_DISK:
- if member_ids and len(member_ids) >= 1:
- cim_exts = self._pri_cim_ext_of_disk_ids(member_ids)
- system_id = None
- for cim_ext in cim_exts:
- tmp_system_id = self._sys_id_child(cim_ext)
- if not system_id:
- system_id = tmp_system_id
- elif system_id != tmp_system_id:
- raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.INVALID_DISK,
- "Specified member are belong to " +
- "two or more system: %s %s" %
- (system_id, tmp_system_id))
- if cim_exts:
- in_cim_exts_path = [x.path for x in cim_exts]
- in_params['InExtents'] = in_cim_exts_path
+ if Pool.member_type_is_disk(member_type):
+ disk_type = Pool.member_type_to_disk_type(member_type)
+ if disk_type != Disk.DISK_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ # We have to define InExtents for certain disk type.
+ # SNIA 1.6.1 CIM_StorageSetting has these experimetal
+ # properties:
+ # DiskType, InterconnectType, InterconnectSpeed,
+ # FormFactor, RPM, PortType.
+ # But currently, no vendor implement that.
+ # And there is no effective way to detect the free disks,
+ # walking though all CIM_CompositeExtent is not a good idea.
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
+ "The pool_create of SMI-S plugin does not "
+ "support defining disk type in member_type")
+ else:
+ # We depend on SMI-S provider to chose the disks for us.
+ pass
elif member_type == Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_POOL:
- cim_member_pools_path = []
- for member_id in member_ids:
- cim_member_pools_path.extend(
- [self._get_cim_instance_by_id('Pool', member_id,
- False, None).path])
- in_params['InPools'] = cim_member_pools_path
+ # I(Gris) have lost my access to IBM DS8000 which support pool
+ # over pool. I will raise NO_SUPPORT until got array to test on.
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
+ "The pool_create of SMI-S plugin does not "
+ "support creating pool over pool(sub-pool) yet")
elif member_type == Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_VOLUME:
raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
- "Creating Pool against another Volume is not " +
- "supported by SMIS plugin")
- # TODO: support member_count
- if member_count and member_count > 0:
- raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
- "member_count is not supported by " +
- "SMI-S plugin yet.")
+ "The pool_create of SMI-S plugin does not "
+ "support creating pool on volume yet")
+ elif member_type == Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
+ "Got invalid member_type %d" % member_type)
+ in_params['Size'] = pywbem.Uint64(size_bytes)
- if size_bytes > 0:
- in_params['Size'] = pywbem.Uint64(size_bytes)
+ if raid_type != Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ in_params['Goal'] = self._cim_st_path_for_goal(
+ raid_type, cim_sys.path)
- if raid_type != Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN and \
- raid_type != Pool.RAID_TYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE:
- in_params['Goal'] = self._cim_st_set_for_goal(
- raid_type, thinp_type, cim_sys.path)
+ cim_scs = self._get_cim_scs(cim_sys.path)
in_params = self._pool_chg_paras_check(in_params, cim_sys.path)
return self._pi("pool_create", Smis.JOB_RETRIEVE_POOL,
@@ -3186,92 +3192,104 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
- def _find_preset_st_set(self, cim_cap_path, raid_type, thinp_type):
+ def _find_preset_cim_st(self, cim_cap_path, raid_type):
Find first proper CIM_StorageSetting under speficied
- CIM_StorageCapabilities by giving raid_type and thinp_type.
+ CIM_StorageCapabilities by giving raid_type.
+ Thin pool prefered.
cim_cap_path # CIMInstanceName of CIM_StorageCapabilities
raid_type # Pool.RAID_TYPE_XXX
- thinp_type # Pool.THINP_TYPE_XXX
- cim_st_set # CIMInstance of CIM_StorageSetting
+ cim_st # CIMInstance of CIM_StorageSetting
None # No match found
- cim_fix_st_sets = self._c.Associators(
+ cim_sts = self._c.Associators(
- if not cim_fix_st_sets:
+ if not cim_sts:
return None
- raid_type_str = Pool.raid_type_to_str(raid_type)
- # According to SNIA suggest, RAID6 can also be writen as RAID5DP
- # and etc.
- possible_element_names = [raid_type_str]
- if raid_type_str == 'RAID6':
- possible_element_names.extend(['RAID5DP'])
- elif raid_type_str == 'RAID10':
- possible_element_names.extend(['RAID1+0'])
- if thinp_type != Pool.THINP_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
- if thinp_type == Pool.THINP_TYPE_THIN:
- # searching for a thin CIM_StorageSetting
- dmtf_thinp_type = self._lsm_thinp_type_to_dmtf(thinp_type)
- for cim_st_set in cim_fix_st_sets:
- if 'ElementName' in cim_st_set \
- and cim_st_set['ElementName'] \
- in possible_element_names \
- and cim_st_set['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] \
- == dmtf_thinp_type:
- return cim_st_set.path
- else: # searching for a Thick CIM_StorageSetting
- for cim_st_set in cim_fix_st_sets:
- if 'ElementName' not in cim_st_set or \
- cim_st_set['ElementName'] not in possible_element_names:
- continue
- if 'ThinProvisionedPoolType' not in cim_st_set:
- return cim_st_set.path
- # EMC define Thick pools with ThinProvisionedPoolType
- # value.
- elif cim_st_set.classname == 'Clar_StoragePoolSetting' \
- and cim_st_set['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] \
- return cim_st_set.path
- else: # Searching a CIM_StorageSetting regardless Thin or Thick.
- for cim_st_set in cim_fix_st_sets:
- if 'ElementName' in cim_st_set and \
- cim_st_set['ElementName'] in possible_element_names:
- return cim_st_set.path
+ possible_element_names = []
+ if raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_JBOD:
+ possible_element_names = ['JBOD']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID0 or \
+ raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID0']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID1:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID1']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID3:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID3']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID4:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID4']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID5:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID5']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID6:
+ # According to SNIA suggest, RAID6 can also be writen as RAID5DP
+ # and etc.
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID6', 'RAID5DP']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID10:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID10', 'RAID1+0']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID50:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID50', 'RAID5+0']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID60:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID60', 'RAID6+0', 'RAID5DP+0']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID51:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID51', 'RAID5+1']
+ elif raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_RAID61:
+ possible_element_names = ['RAID61', 'RAID6+1', 'RAID5DP+1']
+ else:
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
+ "Got unknown RAID type: %d" % raid_type)
+ chose_cim_sts = []
+ for cim_st in cim_sts:
+ if cim_st['ElementName'] in possible_element_names:
+ chose_cim_sts.extend([cim_st])
+ if len(chose_cim_sts) == 1:
+ return chose_cim_sts[0]
+ elif len(chose_cim_sts) > 1:
+ # Perfer the thin pool. This is for EMC VNX which support both
+ # think pool(less feature) and thin pool.
+ for cim_st in chose_cim_sts:
+ if cim_st['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] == \
+ return cim_st
+ # Return the first one if no thin pool setting found.
+ return chose_cim_sts[0]
return None
- def _cim_st_set_for_goal(self, raid_type, thinp_type, cim_sys_path):
+ def _cim_st_path_for_goal(self, raid_type, cim_sys_path):
Find out the array pre-defined CIM_StorageSetting for certain RAID
- Level. Only check CIM_StorageSetting['ElementName'] for RAID type,
- and CIM_StorageSetting['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] for Thin
- Provision setting.
+ Level. Check CIM_StorageSetting['ElementName'] for RAID type.
Even SNIA defined a way to create new setting, but we find out
that not a good way to follow.
+ Pool.RAID_TYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE will be treat as RAID 0.
+ # TODO: currently no check we will get one member for
+ # Pool.RAID_TYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE. Maybe we should replace
+ # this RAID type by RAID_0.
raid_type # Tier.RAID_TYPE_XXX
- disk_count # how many disks will this RAID group hold.
cim_sys_path # CIMInstanceName of CIM_ComputerSystem.
- cim_st_set_path # Found or created CIMInstanceName of
+ cim_st_path # Found or created CIMInstanceName of
# CIM_StorageSetting
ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT # Failed to find out
# suitable CIM_StorageSetting
- cim_chose_st_set_path = None
+ chose_cim_st = None
# We will try to find the existing CIM_StorageSetting
# with ElementName equal to raid_type_str
# potted(pre-defined) CIM_StorageSetting
@@ -3287,27 +3305,19 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
if not cim_pool_path:
raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
- "Target storage array does not have "
+ "Target storage array does not have any "
"Primordial CIM_StoragePool")
cim_caps = self._c.Associators(
for cim_cap in cim_caps:
- cim_tmp_st_set = self._find_preset_st_set(
- cim_cap.path,
- raid_type,
- thinp_type)
- if cim_tmp_st_set:
- cim_chose_st_set_path = cim_tmp_st_set
- break
- if not cim_chose_st_set_path:
- raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
- "Current array does not support RAID type: " +
- "%s and thinp_type %s" %
- (Pool.raid_type_to_str(raid_type),
- Pool.thinp_type_to_str(thinp_type)))
- return cim_chose_st_set_path
+ tmp_cim_st_set = self._find_preset_cim_st(cim_cap.path, raid_type)
+ if tmp_cim_st_set:
+ return tmp_cim_st_set.path
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NO_SUPPORT,
+ "Current array does not support RAID type: %d"
+ % raid_type)
def _pool_chg_paras_check(self, in_params, cim_sys_path):
@@ -3321,6 +3331,8 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
new_in_params # a dict of updated parameters
+ # EMC vendor specific value for thick pool.
new_in_params = in_params
cim_scss = self._c.AssociatorNames(
@@ -3357,12 +3369,13 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
if cim_sys_path.classname == 'Clar_StorageSystem':
if 'Goal' in new_in_params and 'ElementName' in new_in_params:
## EMC VNX/CX RAID Group should not define a ElementName.
- cim_st_set_path = new_in_params['Goal']
- cim_st_set = self._c.GetInstance(
- cim_st_set_path,
- PropertyList=['ThinProvisionedPoolType'],LocalOnly=False)
- if cim_st_set['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] == \
+ cim_st_path = new_in_params['Goal']
+ cim_st = self._c.GetInstance(
+ cim_st_path,
+ PropertyList=['ThinProvisionedPoolType'],
+ LocalOnly=False)
+ if cim_st['ThinProvisionedPoolType'] == \
del new_in_params['ElementName']
if 'Pool' in new_in_params and 'Goal' in new_in_params:
## Expanding VNX/CX Pool/RAID Group shoud not define Goal
@@ -3645,3 +3658,49 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
return needed_cim_syss
return cim_syss
+ def _get_cim_sys_by_id(self, system_id, property_list=None):
+ """
+ Return a CIMInstance of CIM_ComputerSystem for given system id.
+ """
+ cim_sys_pros = self._property_list_of_id("System")
+ if property_list is None:
+ property_list = cim_sys_pros
+ else:
+ for pro in cim_sys_pros:
+ if pro not in property_list:
+ property_list.extend([pro])
+ if self.fallback_mode:
+ cim_syss = self._get_cim_syss_fallback(property_list)
+ else:
+ cim_syss = self._get_cim_syss(
+ strict=False,
+ property_list=property_list,
+ raise_error=True)
+ for cim_sys in cim_syss:
+ if self._sys_id(cim_sys) == system_id:
+ return cim_sys
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NOT_FOUND_SYSTEM,
+ "System %s not found" %
+ def _get_cim_pool_by_id(self, cim_sys_path, pool_id, property_list=None):
+ """
+ Return a CIMInstance of CIM_StoragePool for given pool id.
+ """
+ cim_sys_pros = self._property_list_of_id("Pool")
+ if property_list is None:
+ property_list = cim_sys_pros
+ else:
+ for pro in cim_sys_pros:
+ if pro not in property_list:
+ property_list.extend([pro])
+ cim_pools = self._cim_pools_of(cim_sys_path, property_list)
+ for cim_pool in cim_pools:
+ if self._pool_id(cim_pool) == pool_id:
+ return cim_pool
+ raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.NOT_FOUND_POOL,
+ "System %s not found" % pool_id)