[Libstoragemgmt-devel] [PATCH 0/4 V2] lsmcli isolation
Gris Ge
2014-05-22 14:48:02 UTC
* lsmcli now act as a lsm python API user:
1. No lsm private calls.
2. Not providing methods to other lsm API internal methods.
* "make check", "make rpm", "make distcheck" all passed.

* When running plugin in standalone mode, will got NO_SUPPORT error.
Any idea?
$ lsmenv sim ./plugin/sim/sim_lsmplugin list --type pools
LSMCLI_URI: sim://
sim: ./plugin/sim/sim_lsmplugin list --type pools
NO_SUPPORT(153): Unsupported operation
* Do we really need the plugin standalone mode? It make LSM python library
depending on a external plugin.

Gris Ge (4):
lsmcli: move _cmdline.py to lsmcli folder as cmdline.py
lsmcli: Makefile update for cmdline.py rename
lsmcli: rpm spec file update for cmdline.py rename
lsmcli: Isolate cmdline.py from lsm API scripts

packaging/libstoragemgmt.spec.in | 2 +-
python_binding/Makefile.am | 1 -
python_binding/lsm/__init__.py | 2 +-
python_binding/lsm/_cmdline.py | 1650 ----------------------------------
python_binding/lsm/_common.py | 15 -
python_binding/lsm/_pluginrunner.py | 4 +-
tools/lsmcli/Makefile.am | 1 +
tools/lsmcli/__init__.py | 1 +
tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py | 1667 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tools/lsmcli/lsmcli | 4 +-
10 files changed, 1675 insertions(+), 1672 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 python_binding/lsm/_cmdline.py
create mode 100644 tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py
Gris Ge
2014-05-22 14:48:03 UTC
* Just rename 'python_binding/lsm/_cmdline.py' to 'tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py'

Signed-off-by: Gris Ge <***@redhat.com>
python_binding/lsm/_cmdline.py | 1650 ----------------------------------------
tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py | 1650 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 1650 insertions(+), 1650 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 python_binding/lsm/_cmdline.py
create mode 100644 tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py

diff --git a/python_binding/lsm/_cmdline.py b/python_binding/lsm/_cmdline.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d5c01..0000000
--- a/python_binding/lsm/_cmdline.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1650 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-import os
-import sys
-import getpass
-import time
-from argparse import ArgumentParser
-from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
-from lsm import (Client, Pool, VERSION, LsmError, Capabilities, Disk,
- Initiator, Volume, JobStatus, ErrorNumber, BlockRange,
- uri_parse)
-from _common import getch, size_human_2_size_bytes, Proxy
-from lsm.lsmcli.data_display import (
- DisplayData, PlugData, out,
- pool_raid_type_str_to_type, pool_member_type_str_to_type,
- vol_provision_str_to_type, vol_rep_type_str_to_type,
- vol_access_type_str_to_type)
-## Wraps the invocation to the command line
-# @param c Object to invoke calls on (optional)
-def cmd_line_wrapper(c=None):
- """
- Common command line code, called.
- """
- try:
- cli = CmdLine()
- cli.process(c)
- except ArgError as ae:
- sys.stderr.write(str(ae))
- sys.stderr.flush()
- sys.exit(2)
- except LsmError as le:
- sys.stderr.write(str(le) + "\n")
- sys.stderr.flush()
- sys.exit(4)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- sys.exit(1)
-## This class represents a command line argument error
-class ArgError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Class represents an error.
- """
- Exception.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.msg = message
- def __str__(self):
- return "%s: error: %s\n" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), self.msg)
-## Finds an item based on the id. Each list item requires a member "id"
-# @param l list to search
-# @param the_id the id to match
-# @param friendly_name - name to put in the exception saying what we
-# couldn't find
-def _get_item(l, the_id, friendly_name='item'):
- for item in l:
- if item.id == the_id:
- return item
- raise ArgError('%s with id %s not found!' % (friendly_name, the_id))
-list_choices = ['VOLUMES', 'INITIATORS', 'POOLS', 'FS', 'SNAPSHOTS',
-initiator_id_types = ('WWPN', 'WWNN', 'ISCSI', 'HOSTNAME', 'SAS')
-initiator_id_help = "Initiator ID type: " + ", ".join(initiator_id_types)
-provision_types = ('DEFAULT', 'THIN', 'FULL')
-provision_help = "provisioning type: " + ", ".join(provision_types)
-access_types = ('RO', 'RW')
-access_help = "Access type: %s. Default value is RW." % ", ".join(access_types)
-replicate_types = ('SNAPSHOT', 'CLONE', 'COPY', 'MIRROR_ASYNC', 'MIRROR_SYNC')
-replicate_help = "replication type: " + ", ".join(replicate_types)
-size_help = 'Can use B, KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB postfix (IEC sizing)'
-member_types = ('DISK', 'VOLUME', 'POOL', 'DISK_ATA', 'DISK_SATA',
-member_types_formatted = ''
-for i in range(0, len(member_types), 4):
- member_types_formatted += "\n "
- for member_type_str in member_types[i:i + 4]:
- member_types_formatted += "%-15s" % member_type_str
-member_help = "Valid member type: " + member_types_formatted
-raid_types = ('JBOD', 'RAID0', 'RAID1', 'RAID3', 'RAID4', 'RAID5', 'RAID6',
- 'RAID10', 'RAID50', 'RAID60', 'RAID51', 'RAID61',
-raid_types_formatted = ''
-for i in range(0, len(raid_types), 4):
- raid_types_formatted += "\n "
- for raid_type_str in raid_types[i:i + 4]:
- raid_types_formatted += "%-15s" % raid_type_str
-raid_help = "Valid RAID type:" + raid_types_formatted
-sys_id_opt = dict(name='--sys', metavar='<SYS_ID>', help='System ID')
-pool_id_opt = dict(name='--pool', metavar='<POOL_ID>', help='Pool ID')
-vol_id_opt = dict(name='--vol', metavar='<VOL_ID>', help='Volume ID')
-fs_id_opt = dict(name='--fs', metavar='<FS_ID>', help='File system ID')
-ag_id_opt = dict(name='--ag', metavar='<AG_ID>', help='Access group ID')
-init_id_opt = dict(name='--init', metavar='<INIT_ID>', help='Initiator ID')
-snap_id_opt = dict(name='--snap', metavar='<SNAP_ID>', help='Snapshot ID')
-export_id_opt = dict(name='--export', metavar='<EXPORT_ID>', help='Export ID')
-size_opt = dict(name='--size', metavar='<SIZE>', help=size_help)
-access_opt = dict(name='--access', metavar='<ACCESS>', help=access_help,
- choices=access_types, type=str.upper)
-init_type_opt = dict(name="--init-type", help=initiator_id_help,
- metavar='<INIT_TYPE>', choices=initiator_id_types,
- type=str.upper)
-cmds = (
- dict(
- name='list',
- help="List records of different types",
- args=[
- dict(name='--type',
- help="List records of type:\n " +
- "\n ".join(list_choices) +
- "\n\nWhen listing SNAPSHOTS, it requires --fs <FS_ID>.",
- metavar='<TYPE>',
- choices=list_choices,
- type=str.upper),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name=('-a', '--all'),
- help='Retrieve and display in script friendly way with ' +
- 'all information including optional data if available',
- default=False,
- dest='all',
- action='store_true'),
- dict(fs_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='job-status',
- help='Retrieve information about a job',
- args=[
- dict(name="--job", metavar="<JOB_ID>", help='job status id'),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='capabilities',
- help='Retrieves array capabilities',
- args=[
- dict(sys_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='plugin-info',
- help='Retrieves plugin description and version',
- ),
- dict(
- name='volume-create',
- help='Creates a volume (logical unit)',
- args=[
- dict(name="--name", help='volume name', metavar='<NAME>'),
- dict(size_opt),
- dict(pool_id_opt),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--provisioning", help=provision_help,
- default='DEFAULT',
- choices=provision_types,
- type=str.upper),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='volume-delete',
- help='Deletes a volume given its id',
- args=[
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='volume-resize',
- help='Re-sizes a volume',
- args=[
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- dict(name='--size', metavar='<NEW_SIZE>',
- help="New size. %s" % size_help),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='volume-replicate',
- help='Creates a new volume and replicates provided volume to it.',
- args=[
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- dict(name="--name", metavar='<NEW_VOL_NAME>',
- help='The name for New replicated volume'),
- dict(name="--rep-type", metavar='<REPL_TYPE>',
- help=replicate_help, choices=replicate_types),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--pool",
- help='Pool ID to contain the new volume.\nBy default, '
- 'new volume will be created in the same pool.'),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='volume-replicate-range',
- help='Replicates a portion of a volume',
- args=[
- dict(name="--src-vol", metavar='<SRC_VOL_ID>',
- help='Source volume id'),
- dict(name="--dst-vol", metavar='<DST_VOL_ID>',
- help='Destination volume id'),
- dict(name="--rep-type", metavar='<REP_TYPE>', help=replicate_help,
- choices=replicate_types),
- dict(name="--src-start", metavar='<SRC_START_BLK>',
- help='Source volume start block number.\n'
- 'This is repeatable argument.',
- action='append'),
- dict(name="--dst-start", metavar='<DST_START_BLK>',
- help='destination volume start block number.\n'
- 'This is repeatable argument.',
- action='append'),
- dict(name="--count", metavar='<BLK_COUNT>',
- help='Number of blocks to replicate.\n'
- 'This is repeatable argument.',
- action='append'),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='volume-replicate-range-block-size',
- help='Size of each replicated block on a system in bytes',
- args=[
- dict(sys_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='volume-dependants',
- help='Returns True if volume has a dependant child, like replication',
- args=[
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='volume-dependants-rm',
- help='Removes dependencies',
- args=[
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='volume-access-group',
- help='Lists the access group(s) that have access to volume',
- args=[
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='volumes-accessible-initiator',
- help='Lists the volumes that are accessible by the initiator',
- args=[
- dict(init_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='access-group-grant',
- help='Grants access to an access group to a volume, '
- 'like LUN Masking',
- args=[
- dict(ag_id_opt),
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(access_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='access-group-revoke',
- help='Revoke the access of certain access group to a volume',
- args=[
- dict(ag_id_opt),
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='access-group-create',
- help='Create an access group',
- args=[
- dict(name='--name', metavar='<AG_NAME>',
- help="Human readable name for access group"),
- # TODO: _client.py access_group_create should support multiple
- # initiators when creating.
- dict(init_id_opt),
- dict(init_type_opt),
- dict(sys_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='access-group-add',
- help='Add an initiator into existing access group',
- args=[
- dict(ag_id_opt),
- dict(init_id_opt),
- dict(init_type_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='access-group-remove',
- help='Remove an initiator from existing access group',
- args=[
- dict(ag_id_opt),
- dict(init_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='access-group-delete',
- help='Deletes an access group',
- args=[
- dict(ag_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='access-grant',
- help='Grants access to an initiator to a volume',
- args=[
- dict(init_id_opt),
- dict(init_type_opt),
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(access_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='access-revoke',
- help='Removes access for an initiator to a volume',
- args=[
- dict(init_id_opt),
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='access-group-volumes',
- help='Lists the volumes that the access group has'
- ' been granted access to',
- args=[
- dict(ag_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='initiators-granted-volume',
- help='Lists the initiators that have been '
- 'granted access to specified volume',
- args=[
- dict(vol_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='iscsi-chap',
- help='Configures iSCSI inbound/outbound CHAP authentication',
- args=[
- dict(init_id_opt),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--in-user", metavar='<IN_USER>',
- help='Inbound chap user name'),
- dict(name="--in-pass", metavar='<IN_PASS>',
- help='Inbound chap password'),
- dict(name="--out-user", metavar='<OUT_USER>',
- help='Outbound chap user name'),
- dict(name="--out-pass", metavar='<OUT_PASS>',
- help='Outbound chap password'),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-create',
- help='Creates a file system',
- args=[
- dict(name="--name", metavar='<FS_NAME>',
- help='name of the file system'),
- dict(size_opt),
- dict(pool_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-delete',
- help='Delete a filesystem',
- args=[
- dict(fs_id_opt)
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-resize',
- help='Re-sizes a filesystem',
- args=[
- dict(fs_id_opt),
- dict(name="--size", metavar="<NEW_SIZE>",
- help="New size. %s" % size_help),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-export',
- help='Export a filesystem via NFS.',
- args=[
- dict(fs_id_opt),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--exportpath", metavar='<EXPORT_PATH>',
- help="NFS server export path. e.g. '/foo/bar'."),
- dict(name="--anonuid", metavar='<ANONY_UID>',
- help='UID(User ID) to map to anonymous user'),
- dict(name="--anongid", metavar='<ANONY_GID>',
- help='GID(Group ID) to map to anonymous user'),
- dict(name="--auth-type", metavar='<AUTH_TYPE>',
- help='NFS client authentication type'),
- dict(name="--root-host", metavar='<ROOT_HOST>',
- help="The host/IP has root access.\n"
- "This is repeatable argument.",
- action='append',
- default=[]),
- dict(name="--ro-host", metavar='<RO_HOST>',
- help="The host/IP has readonly access.\n"
- "This is repeatable argument.",
- action='append', default=[]),
- dict(name="--rw-host", metavar='<RW_HOST>',
- help="The host/IP has readwrite access.\n"
- "This is repeatable argument.",
- action='append', default=[]),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-unexport',
- help='Delete an NFS export',
- args=[
- dict(export_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-clone',
- help='Creates a file system clone',
- args=[
- dict(name="--src-fs", metavar='<SRC_FS_ID>',
- help='The ID of existing source file system.'),
- dict(name="--dst-name", metavar='<DST_FS_NAME>',
- help='The name for newly created destination file system.'),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--backing-snapshot", metavar='<BE_SS_ID>',
- help='backing snapshot id'),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-snap-create',
- help='Creates a snapshot',
- args=[
- dict(name="--name", metavar="<SNAP_NAME>",
- help='The human friendly name of new snapshot'),
- dict(fs_id_opt),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--file", metavar="<FILE_PATH>",
- help="Only create snapshot for provided file\n"
- "Without this argument, all files will be snapshotted\n"
- "This is a repeatable argument.",
- action='append', default=[]),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-snap-delete',
- help='Deletes a snapshot',
- args=[
- dict(snap_id_opt),
- dict(fs_id_opt), # TODO: why we need filesystem ID?
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-snap-restore',
- help='Restores a FS or specified files to '
- 'previous snapshot state',
- args=[
- dict(snap_id_opt),
- dict(fs_id_opt),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--file", metavar="<FILE_PATH>",
- help="Only restore provided file\n"
- "Without this argument, all files will be restored\n"
- "This is a repeatable argument.",
- action='append', default=[]),
- dict(name="--fileas", metavar="<NEW_FILE_PATH>",
- help="store restore file name to another name.\n"
- "This is a repeatable argument.",
- action='append',
- default=[]),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-dependants',
- help='Returns True if filesystem has a child '
- 'dependency(clone/snapshot) exists',
- args=[
- dict(fs_id_opt),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--file", metavar="<FILE_PATH>",
- action="append", default=[],
- help="For file check\nThis is a repeatable argument."),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='fs-dependants-rm',
- help='Removes file system dependencies',
- args=[
- dict(fs_id_opt),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--file", action='append', default=[],
- help='File or files to remove dependencies for.\n'
- "This is a repeatable argument.",),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='file-clone',
- help='Creates a clone of a file (thin provisioned)',
- args=[
- dict(fs_id_opt),
- dict(name="--src", metavar="<SRC_FILE_PATH>",
- help='source file to clone (relative path)\n'
- "This is a repeatable argument.",),
- dict(name="--dst", metavar="<DST_FILE_PATH>",
- help='destination file (relative path)'
- "This is a repeatable argument."),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--backing-snapshot", help='backing snapshot id'),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='pool-create',
- help='Creates a storage pool',
- args=[
- dict(sys_id_opt),
- dict(name="--name", metavar="<POOL_NAME>",
- help="Human friendly name for new pool"),
- dict(size_opt),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name="--raid-type", metavar='<RAID_TYPE>',
- help=raid_help,
- choices=raid_types,
- type=str.upper),
- dict(name="--member-type", metavar='<MEMBER_TYPE>',
- help=member_help,
- choices=member_types),
- dict(name=('-o', '--optional'),
- help='Retrieve additional optional info if available',
- default=False,
- action='store_true'),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='pool-create-from-disks',
- help='Creates a storage pool from disks',
- args=[
- dict(sys_id_opt),
- dict(name="--name", metavar="<POOL_NAME>",
- help="Human friendly name for new pool"),
- dict(name="--member-id", metavar='<MEMBER_ID>',
- help='The ID of disks to create new pool\n'
- 'This is a repeatable argument',
- action='append'),
- dict(name="--raid-type", metavar='<RAID_TYPE>',
- help=raid_help,
- choices=raid_types,
- type=str.upper),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name=('-o', '--optional'),
- help='Retrieve additional optional info if available',
- default=False,
- action='store_true'),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='pool-create-from-volumes',
- help='Creates a storage pool from volumes',
- args=[
- dict(sys_id_opt),
- dict(name="--name", metavar="<POOL_NAME>",
- help="Human friendly name for new pool"),
- dict(name="--member-id", metavar='<MEMBER_ID>',
- help='The ID of volumes to create new pool\n'
- 'This is a repeatable argument',
- action='append'),
- dict(name="--raid-type", metavar='<RAID_TYPE>',
- help=raid_help,
- choices=raid_types,
- type=str.upper),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name=('-o', '--optional'),
- help='Retrieve additional optional info if available',
- default=False,
- action='store_true'),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='pool-create-from-pool',
- help='Creates a sub-pool from another storage pool',
- args=[
- dict(sys_id_opt),
- dict(name="--name", metavar="<POOL_NAME>",
- help="Human friendly name for new pool"),
- dict(name="--member-id", metavar='<POOL_ID>',
- help='The ID of pool to create new pool from\n',
- action='append'),
- dict(name="--size", metavar='<SIZE>',
- help='The size of new pool'),
- ],
- optional=[
- dict(name=('-o', '--optional'),
- help='Retrieve additional optional info if available',
- default=False,
- action='store_true'),
- ],
- ),
- dict(
- name='pool-delete',
- help='Deletes a storage pool',
- args=[
- dict(pool_id_opt),
- ],
- ),
-## Class that encapsulates the command line arguments for lsmcli
-# Note: This class is used by lsmcli and any python plug-ins.
-class CmdLine:
- """
- Command line interface class.
- """
- ##
- # Warn of imminent data loss
- # @param deleting Indicate data will be lost vs. may be lost
- # (re-size)
- # @return True if operation confirmed, else False
- def confirm_prompt(self, deleting):
- """
- Give the user a chance to bail.
- """
- if not self.args.force:
- msg = "will" if deleting else "may"
- out("Warning: You are about to do an operation that %s cause data "
- "to be lost!\nPress [Y|y] to continue, any other key to abort"
- % msg)
- pressed = getch()
- if pressed.upper() == 'Y':
- return True
- else:
- out('Operation aborted!')
- return False
- else:
- return True
- ##
- # Tries to make the output better when it varies considerably from
- # plug-in to plug-in.
- # @param objects Data, first row is header all other data.
- def display_data(self, objects, extra_properties=None):
- display_all = False
- if len(objects) == 0:
- return
- if hasattr(self.args, 'all') and self.args.all:
- display_all = True
- flag_with_header = True
- if self.args.sep:
- flag_with_header = False
- if self.args.header:
- flag_with_header = True
- display_way = DisplayData.DISPLAY_WAY_DEFAULT
- if self.args.script:
- display_way = DisplayData.DISPLAY_WAY_SCRIPT
- DisplayData.display_data(
- objects, display_way=display_way, flag_human=self.args.human,
- flag_enum=self.args.enum, extra_properties=extra_properties,
- splitter=self.args.sep, flag_with_header=flag_with_header,
- flag_dsp_all_data=display_all)
- def display_available_plugins(self):
- d = []
- sep = '<}{>'
- plugins = Client.available_plugins(sep)
- for p in plugins:
- desc, version = p.split(sep)
- d.append(PlugData(desc, version))
- self.display_data(d)
- ## All the command line arguments and options are created in this method
- def cli(self):
- """
- Command line interface parameters
- """
- parent_parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '-v', '--version', action='version',
- version="%s %s" % (sys.argv[0], VERSION))
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '-u', '--uri', action="store", type=str, metavar='<URI>',
- dest="uri", help='Uniform resource identifier (env LSMCLI_URI)')
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '-P', '--prompt', action="store_true", dest="prompt",
- help='Prompt for password (env LSMCLI_PASSWORD)')
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '-H', '--human', action="store_true", dest="human",
- help='Print sizes in human readable format\n'
- '(e.g., MiB, GiB, TiB)')
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '-t', '--terse', action="store", dest="sep", metavar='<SEP>',
- help='Print output in terse form with "SEP" '
- 'as a record separator')
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '-e', '--enum', action="store_true", dest="enum", default=False,
- help='Display enumerated types as numbers instead of text')
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '-f', '--force', action="store_true", dest="force", default=False,
- help='Bypass confirmation prompt for data loss operations')
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '-w', '--wait', action="store", type=int, dest="wait",
- default=30000, help="Command timeout value in ms (default = 30s)")
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '--header', action="store_true", dest="header",
- help='Include the header with terse')
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '-b', action="store_true", dest="async", default=False,
- help='Run the command async. Instead of waiting for completion.\n '
- 'Command will exit(7) and job id written to stdout.')
- parent_parser.add_argument(
- '-s', '--script', action="store_true", dest="script",
- default=False, help='Displaying data in script friendly way.')
- parser = ArgumentParser(
- description='The libStorageMgmt command line interface.'
- ' Run %(prog)s <command> -h for more on each command.',
- epilog='Copyright 2012-2014 Red Hat, Inc.\n'
- 'Please report bugs to '
- '<libstoragemgmt-***@lists.sourceforge.net>\n',
- formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter,
- parents=[parent_parser])
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(metavar="command")
- # Walk the command list and add all of them to the parser
- for cmd in cmds:
- sub_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
- cmd['name'], help=cmd['help'], parents=[parent_parser],
- formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
- group = sub_parser.add_argument_group("cmd required arguments")
- for arg in cmd.get('args', []):
- name = arg['name']
- del arg['name']
- group.add_argument(name, required=True, **arg)
- group = sub_parser.add_argument_group("cmd optional arguments")
- for arg in cmd.get('optional', []):
- flags = arg['name']
- del arg['name']
- if not isinstance(flags, tuple):
- flags = (flags,)
- group.add_argument(*flags, **arg)
- sub_parser.set_defaults(
- func=getattr(self, cmd['name'].replace("-", "_")))
- return parser.parse_args()
- ## Display the types of nfs client authentication that are supported.
- # @return None
- def display_nfs_client_authentication(self):
- """
- Dump the supported nfs client authentication types
- """
- if self.args.sep:
- out(self.args.sep.join(self.c.export_auth()))
- else:
- out(", ".join(self.c.export_auth()))
- ## Method that calls the appropriate method based on what the list type is
- # @param args Argparse argument object
- def list(self, args):
- if args.type == 'VOLUMES':
- self.display_data(self.c.volumes())
- elif args.type == 'POOLS':
- if args.all:
- self.display_data(
- self.c.pools(Pool.RETRIEVE_FULL_INFO))
- else:
- self.display_data(self.c.pools())
- elif args.type == 'FS':
- self.display_data(self.c.fs())
- elif args.type == 'SNAPSHOTS':
- if args.fs is None:
- raise ArgError("--fs <file system id> required")
- fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, 'filesystem')
- self.display_data(self.c.fs_snapshots(fs))
- elif args.type == 'INITIATORS':
- self.display_data(self.c.initiators())
- elif args.type == 'EXPORTS':
- self.display_data(self.c.exports())
- elif args.type == 'NFS_CLIENT_AUTH':
- self.display_nfs_client_authentication()
- elif args.type == 'ACCESS_GROUPS':
- self.display_data(self.c.access_groups())
- elif args.type == 'SYSTEMS':
- self.display_data(self.c.systems())
- elif args.type == 'DISKS':
- if args.all:
- self.display_data(
- self.c.disks(Disk.RETRIEVE_FULL_INFO))
- else:
- self.display_data(self.c.disks())
- elif args.type == 'PLUGINS':
- self.display_available_plugins()
- else:
- raise ArgError("unsupported listing type=%s" % args.type)
- ## Converts type initiator type to enumeration type.
- # @param type String representation of type
- # @returns Enumerated value
- @staticmethod
- def _init_type_to_enum(init_type):
- if init_type == 'WWPN':
- init = Initiator.TYPE_PORT_WWN
- elif init_type == 'WWNN':
- init = Initiator.TYPE_NODE_WWN
- elif init_type == 'ISCSI':
- init = Initiator.TYPE_ISCSI
- elif init_type == 'HOSTNAME':
- init = Initiator.TYPE_HOSTNAME
- elif init_type == 'SAS':
- init = Initiator.TYPE_SAS
- else:
- raise ArgError("invalid initiator type " + init_type)
- return init
- ## Creates an access group.
- def access_group_create(self, args):
- init_enum = CmdLine._init_type_to_enum(args.init_type)
- access_group = self.c.access_group_create(args.name, args.init,
- init_enum, args.sys)
- self.display_data([access_group])
- def _add_rm_access_grp_init(self, args, op):
- agl = self.c.access_groups()
- group = _get_item(agl, args.ag, "access group id")
- if op:
- init = CmdLine._init_type_to_enum(args.init_type)
- self.c.access_group_initiator_add(
- group, args.init, init)
- else:
- init = _get_item(self.c.initiators(), args.init, "initiator id")
- self.c.access_group_initiator_delete(group, init.id)
- ## Adds an initiator from an access group
- def access_group_add(self, args):
- self._add_rm_access_grp_init(args, True)
- ## Removes an initiator from an access group
- def access_group_remove(self, args):
- self._add_rm_access_grp_init(args, False)
- def access_group_volumes(self, args):
- agl = self.c.access_groups()
- group = _get_item(agl, args.ag, "access group id")
- vols = self.c.volumes_accessible_by_access_group(group)
- self.display_data(vols)
- def volumes_accessible_initiator(self, args):
- init = _get_item(self.c.initiators(), args.init, "initiator id")
- volumes = self.c.volumes_accessible_by_initiator(init)
- self.display_data(volumes)
- def initiators_granted_volume(self, args):
- vol = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
- initiators = self.c.initiators_granted_to_volume(vol)
- self.display_data(initiators)
- def iscsi_chap(self, args):
- init = _get_item(self.c.initiators(), args.init, "initiator id")
- self.c.iscsi_chap_auth(init, args.in_user,
- self.args.in_pass,
- self.args.out_user,
- self.args.out_pass)
- def volume_access_group(self, args):
- vol = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
- groups = self.c.access_groups_granted_to_volume(vol)
- self.display_data(groups)
- ## Used to delete access group
- def access_group_delete(self, args):
- agl = self.c.access_groups()
- group = _get_item(agl, args.ag, "access group id")
- return self.c.access_group_delete(group)
- ## Used to delete a file system
- def fs_delete(self, args):
- fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "filesystem id")
- if self.confirm_prompt(True):
- self._wait_for_it("fs-delete", self.c.fs_delete(fs), None)
- ## Used to create a file system
- def fs_create(self, args):
- p = _get_item(self.c.pools(), args.pool, "pool id")
- fs = self._wait_for_it("fs-create",
- *self.c.fs_create(p, args.name,
- self._size(args.size)))
- self.display_data([fs])
- ## Used to resize a file system
- def fs_resize(self, args):
- fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "filesystem id")
- size = self._size(args.size)
- if self.confirm_prompt(False):
- fs = self._wait_for_it("fs-resize",
- *self.c.fs_resize(fs, size))
- self.display_data([fs])
- ## Used to clone a file system
- def fs_clone(self, args):
- src_fs = _get_item(
- self.c.fs(), args.src_fs, "source file system id")
- ss = None
- if args.backing_snapshot:
- #go get the snapshot
- ss = _get_item(self.c.fs_snapshots(src_fs),
- args.backing_snapshot, "snapshot id")
- fs = self._wait_for_it(
- "fs_clone", *self.c.fs_clone(src_fs, args.dst_name, ss))
- self.display_data([fs])
- ## Used to clone a file(s)
- def file_clone(self, args):
- fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "filesystem id")
- if self.args.backing_snapshot:
- #go get the snapshot
- ss = _get_item(self.c.fs_snapshots(fs),
- args.backing_snapshot, "snapshot id")
- else:
- ss = None
- self._wait_for_it(
- "fs_file_clone", self.c.fs_file_clone(fs, args.src, args.dst, ss), None)
- ##Converts a size parameter into the appropriate number of bytes
- # @param s Size to convert to bytes handles B, K, M, G, T, P postfix
- # @return Size in bytes
- @staticmethod
- def _size(s):
- size_bytes = size_human_2_size_bytes(s)
- if size_bytes <= 0:
- raise ArgError("Incorrect size argument format: '%s'" % s)
- return size_bytes
- def _cp(self, cap, val):
- if self.args.sep is not None:
- s = self.args.sep
- else:
- s = ':'
- if val:
- else:
- out("%s%s%s" % (cap, s, v))
- def capabilities(self, args):
- s = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
- cap = self.c.capabilities(s)
- self._cp("BLOCK_SUPPORT", cap.supported(Capabilities.BLOCK_SUPPORT))
- self._cp("FS_SUPPORT", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SUPPORT))
- self._cp("INITIATORS", cap.supported(Capabilities.INITIATORS))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.INITIATORS_GRANTED_TO_VOLUME))
- self._cp("VOLUMES", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUMES))
- self._cp("VOLUME_CREATE", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_CREATE))
- self._cp("VOLUME_RESIZE", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_RESIZE))
- self._cp("VOLUME_REPLICATE",
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_REPLICATE))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_REPLICATE_CLONE))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_REPLICATE_COPY))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_REPLICATE_MIRROR_ASYNC))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_REPLICATE_MIRROR_SYNC))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_COPY_RANGE_BLOCK_SIZE))
- self._cp("VOLUME_COPY_RANGE",
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_COPY_RANGE))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_COPY_RANGE_CLONE))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_COPY_RANGE_COPY))
- self._cp("VOLUME_DELETE", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_DELETE))
- self._cp("VOLUME_ONLINE", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_ONLINE))
- self._cp("VOLUME_OFFLINE", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_OFFLINE))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_INITIATOR_GRANT))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_INITIATOR_REVOKE))
- self._cp("VOLUME_THIN",
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_THIN))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_ISCSI_CHAP_AUTHENTICATION))
- self._cp("ACCESS_GROUP_GRANT",
- cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_GRANT))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_REVOKE))
- self._cp("ACCESS_GROUP_LIST",
- cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_LIST))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_CREATE))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_DELETE))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_ADD_INITIATOR))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_DEL_INITIATOR))
- cap.supported(
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_ACCESSIBLE_BY_INITIATOR))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUPS_GRANTED_TO_VOLUME))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_CHILD_DEPENDENCY))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_CHILD_DEPENDENCY_RM))
- self._cp("FS", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS))
- self._cp("FS_DELETE", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_DELETE))
- self._cp("FS_RESIZE", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_RESIZE))
- self._cp("FS_CREATE", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_CREATE))
- self._cp("FS_CLONE", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_CLONE))
- self._cp("FILE_CLONE", cap.supported(Capabilities.FILE_CLONE))
- self._cp("FS_SNAPSHOTS", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOTS))
- self._cp("FS_SNAPSHOT_CREATE",
- cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOT_CREATE))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_SPECIFIC_FILES))
- self._cp("FS_SNAPSHOT_DELETE",
- cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOT_DELETE))
- self._cp("FS_SNAPSHOT_REVERT",
- cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOT_REVERT))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOT_REVERT_SPECIFIC_FILES))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_CHILD_DEPENDENCY))
- cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_CHILD_DEPENDENCY_RM))
- self._cp("FS_CHILD_DEPENDENCY_RM_SPECIFIC_FILES", cap.supported(
- self._cp("EXPORT_AUTH", cap.supported(Capabilities.EXPORT_AUTH))
- self._cp("EXPORTS", cap.supported(Capabilities.EXPORTS))
- self._cp("EXPORT_FS", cap.supported(Capabilities.EXPORT_FS))
- self._cp("EXPORT_REMOVE", cap.supported(Capabilities.EXPORT_REMOVE))
- self._cp("EXPORT_CUSTOM_PATH",
- cap.supported(Capabilities.EXPORT_CUSTOM_PATH))
- def plugin_info(self, args):
- desc, version = self.c.plugin_info()
- if args.sep:
- out("%s%s%s" % (desc, args.sep, version))
- else:
- out("Description: %s Version: %s" % (desc, version))
- ## Creates a volume
- def volume_create(self, args):
- #Get pool
- p = _get_item(self.c.pools(), args.pool, "pool id")
- vol = self._wait_for_it(
- "volume-create",
- *self.c.volume_create(
- p,
- args.name,
- self._size(args.size),
- vol_provision_str_to_type(args.provisioning)))
- self.display_data([vol])
- ## Creates a snapshot
- def fs_snap_create(self, args):
- #Get fs
- fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "fs id")
- ss = self._wait_for_it("snapshot-create",
- *self.c.fs_snapshot_create(
- fs,
- args.name,
- self.args.file))
- self.display_data([ss])
- ## Restores a snap shot
- def fs_snap_restore(self, args):
- #Get snapshot
- fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "fs id")
- ss = _get_item(self.c.fs_snapshots(fs), args.snap, "snapshot id")
- flag_all_files = True
- if self.args.file:
- flag_all_files = False
- if self.args.fileas:
- if len(self.args.file) != len(self.args.fileas):
- raise ArgError(
- "number of --file not equal to --fileas")
- if self.confirm_prompt(True):
- self._wait_for_it(
- 'fs-snap-restore',
- self.c.fs_snapshot_restore(
- fs, ss, self.args.file, self.args.fileas, flag_all_files),
- None)
- ## Deletes a volume
- def volume_delete(self, args):
- v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
- if self.confirm_prompt(True):
- self._wait_for_it("volume-delete", self.c.volume_delete(v),
- None)
- ## Deletes a snap shot
- def fs_snap_delete(self, args):
- fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "filesystem id")
- ss = _get_item(self.c.fs_snapshots(fs), args.snap, "snapshot id")
- if self.confirm_prompt(True):
- self._wait_for_it("fs_snap_delete",
- self.c.fs_snapshot_delete(fs, ss), None)
- ## Waits for an operation to complete by polling for the status of the
- # operations.
- # @param msg Message to display if this job fails
- # @param job The job id to wait on
- # @param item The item that could be available now if there is no job
- def _wait_for_it(self, msg, job, item):
- if not job:
- return item
- else:
- #If a user doesn't want to wait, return the job id to stdout
- #and exit with job in progress
- if self.args.async:
- out(job)
- self.shutdown(ErrorNumber.JOB_STARTED)
- while True:
- (s, percent, item) = self.c.job_status(job)
- if s == JobStatus.INPROGRESS:
- #Add an option to spit out progress?
- #print "%s - Percent %s complete" % (job, percent)
- time.sleep(0.25)
- elif s == JobStatus.COMPLETE:
- self.c.job_free(job)
- return item
- else:
- #Something better to do here?
- raise ArgError(msg + " job error code= " + str(s))
- ## Retrieves the status of the specified job
- def job_status(self, args):
- (s, percent, item) = self.c.job_status(args.job)
- if s == JobStatus.COMPLETE:
- if item:
- self.display_data([item])
- self.c.job_free(args.job)
- else:
- out(str(percent))
- self.shutdown(ErrorNumber.JOB_STARTED)
- ## Replicates a volume
- def volume_replicate(self, args):
- p = None
- if args.pool:
- p = _get_item(self.c.pools(), args.pool, "pool id")
- v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
- rep_type = vol_rep_type_str_to_type(args.rep_type)
- if rep_type == Volume.REPLICATE_UNKNOWN:
- raise ArgError("invalid replication type= %s" % rep_type)
- vol = self._wait_for_it(
- "replicate volume",
- *self.c.volume_replicate(p, rep_type, v, args.name))
- self.display_data([vol])
- ## Replicates a range of a volume
- def volume_replicate_range(self, args):
- src = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.src_vol, "source volume id")
- dst = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.dst_vol,
- "destination volume id")
- rep_type = vol_rep_type_str_to_type(args.rep_type)
- if rep_type == Volume.REPLICATE_UNKNOWN:
- raise ArgError("invalid replication type= %s" % rep_type)
- src_starts = args.src_start
- dst_starts = args.dst_start
- counts = args.count
- if not len(src_starts) \
- or not (len(src_starts) == len(dst_starts) == len(counts)):
- raise ArgError("Differing numbers of src_start, dest_start, "
- "and count parameters")
- ranges = []
- for b in range(len(src_starts)):
- ranges.append(BlockRange(src_starts[b], dst_starts[b], counts[b]))
- if self.confirm_prompt(False):
- self.c.volume_replicate_range(rep_type, src, dst, ranges)
- ##
- # Returns the block size in bytes for each block represented in
- # volume_replicate_range
- def volume_replicate_range_block_size(self, args):
- s = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
- out(self.c.volume_replicate_range_block_size(s))
- ## Used to grant or revoke access to a volume to an initiator.
- # @param grant bool, if True we grant, else we un-grant.
- def _access(self, grant, args):
- v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
- initiator_id = args.init
- if grant:
- i_type = CmdLine._init_type_to_enum(args.init_type)
- access = 'DEFAULT'
- if args.access is not None:
- access = vol_access_type_str_to_type(args.access)
- self.c.initiator_grant(initiator_id, i_type, v, access)
- else:
- initiator = _get_item(self.c.initiators(), initiator_id,
- "initiator id")
- self.c.initiator_revoke(initiator, v)
- ## Grant access to volume to an initiator
- def access_grant(self, args):
- return self._access(True, args)
- ## Revoke access to volume to an initiator
- def access_revoke(self, args):
- return self._access(False, args)
- def _access_group(self, args, grant=True):
- agl = self.c.access_groups()
- group = _get_item(agl, args.ag, "access group id")
- v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
- if grant:
- access = 'RW'
- if args.access is not None:
- access = args.access
- access = vol_access_type_str_to_type(args.access)
- self.c.access_group_grant(group, v, access)
- else:
- self.c.access_group_revoke(group, v)
- def access_group_grant(self, args):
- return self._access_group(args, grant=True)
- def access_group_revoke(self, args):
- return self._access_group(args, grant=False)
- ## Re-sizes a volume
- def volume_resize(self, args):
- v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
- size = self._size(args.size)
- if self.confirm_prompt(False):
- vol = self._wait_for_it("resize",
- *self.c.volume_resize(v, size))
- self.display_data([vol])
- ## Removes a nfs export
- def fs_unexport(self, args):
- export = _get_item(self.c.exports(), args.export, "nfs export id")
- self.c.export_remove(export)
- ## Exports a file system as a NFS export
- def fs_export(self, args):
- fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "file system id")
- # Check to see if we have some type of access specified
- if len(args.rw_host) == 0 \
- and len(args.ro_host) == 0:
- raise ArgError(" please specify --ro-host or --rw-host")
- export = self.c.export_fs(
- fs.id,
- args.exportpath,
- args.root_host,
- args.rw_host,
- args.ro_host,
- args.anonuid,
- args.anongid,
- args.auth_type,
- None)
- self.display_data([export])
- ## Displays volume dependants.
- def volume_dependants(self, args):
- v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
- rc = self.c.volume_child_dependency(v)
- out(rc)
- ## Removes volume dependants.
- def volume_dependants_rm(self, args):
- v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
- self._wait_for_it("volume-dependant-rm",
- self.c.volume_child_dependency_rm(v), None)
- ## Displays file system dependants
- def fs_dependants(self, args):
- fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "file system id")
- rc = self.c.fs_child_dependency(fs, args.file)
- out(rc)
- ## Removes file system dependants
- def fs_dependants_rm(self, args):
- fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "file system id")
- self._wait_for_it("fs-dependants-rm",
- self.c.fs_child_dependency_rm(fs,
- args.file),
- None)
- ## Deletes a pool
- def pool_delete(self, args):
- pool = _get_item(self.c.pools(), args.pool, "pool id")
- if self.confirm_prompt(True):
- self._wait_for_it("pool-delete",
- self.c.pool_delete(pool),
- None)
- ## Creates a pool
- def pool_create(self, args):
- system = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
- pool_name = args.name
- raid_type = Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN
- member_type = Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_UNKNOWN
- size_bytes = self._size(self.args.size)
- if args.raid_type:
- raid_type = pool_raid_type_str_to_type(
- self.args.raid_type)
- if raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
- raise ArgError("Unknown RAID type specified: %s" %
- args.raid_type)
- if args.member_type:
- member_type = pool_member_type_str_to_type(
- args.member_type)
- if member_type == Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
- raise ArgError("Unknown member type specified: %s" %
- args.member_type)
- pool = self._wait_for_it("pool-create",
- *self.c.pool_create(system,
- pool_name,
- size_bytes,
- raid_type,
- member_type,
- 0))
- self.display_data([pool])
- def pool_create_from_disks(self, args):
- system = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
- if len(args.member_id) <= 0:
- raise ArgError("No disk ID was provided for new pool")
- member_ids = args.member_id
- disks_to_use = []
- disks = self.c.disks()
- disk_ids = dict((x.id, x) for x in disks)
- for member_id in member_ids:
- if member_id not in disk_ids:
- raise ArgError("Invalid Disk ID specified in " +
- "--member-id %s " % member_id)
- else:
- disks_to_use.append(disk_ids[member_id])
- raid_type = pool_raid_type_str_to_type(self.args.raid_type)
- if raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
- raise ArgError("Unknown RAID type specified: %s" %
- self.args.raid_type)
- pool_name = args.name
- pool = self._wait_for_it(
- "pool-create-from-disks",
- *self.c.pool_create_from_disks(
- system, pool_name, disks_to_use, raid_type, 0))
- self.display_data([pool])
- def pool_create_from_volumes(self, args):
- system = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
- if len(args.member_id) <= 0:
- raise ArgError("No volume ID was provided for new pool")
- member_ids = args.member_id
- volumes = self.c.volumes()
- vol_ids = [v.id for v in volumes]
- for member_id in member_ids:
- if member_id not in vol_ids:
- raise ArgError("Invalid volumes ID specified in " +
- "--member-id %s " % member_id)
- raid_type = pool_raid_type_str_to_type(
- self.args.raid_type)
- if raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
- raise ArgError("Unknown RAID type specified: %s" %
- self.args.raid_type)
- pool_name = args.name
- pool = self._wait_for_it(
- "pool-create-from-volumes",
- *self.c.pool_create_from_volumes(
- system, pool_name, member_ids, raid_type, 0))
- self.display_data([pool])
- def pool_create_from_pool(self, args):
- system = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
- if len(args.member_id) <= 0:
- raise ArgError("No volume ID was provided for new pool")
- member_ids = args.member_id
- if len(member_ids) > 1:
- raise ArgError("Two or more member defined, but creating pool " +
- "from pool only allow one member pool")
- member_id = member_ids[0]
- pool = _get_item(self.c.pools(), member_id, "pool id")
- size_bytes = self._size(self.args.size)
- pool_name = args.name
- pool = self._wait_for_it(
- "pool-create-from-pool",
- *self.c.pool_create_from_pool(
- system, pool_name, pool, size_bytes, 0))
- self.display_data([pool])
- def _read_configfile(self):
- """
- Set uri from config file. Will be overridden by cmdline option or
- env var if present.
- """
- allowed_config_options = ("uri",)
- config_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.lsmcli"
- if not os.path.exists(config_path):
- return
- with open(config_path) as f:
- for line in f:
- if line.lstrip().startswith("#"):
- continue
- try:
- name, val = [x.strip() for x in line.split("=", 1)]
- if name in allowed_config_options:
- setattr(self, name, val)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- ## Class constructor.
- def __init__(self):
- self.uri = None
- self.c = None
- self.args = self.cli()
- self.cleanup = None
- self.tmo = int(self.args.wait)
- if not self.tmo or self.tmo < 0:
- raise ArgError("[-w|--wait] requires a non-zero positive integer")
- self._read_configfile()
- if os.getenv('LSMCLI_URI') is not None:
- self.uri = os.getenv('LSMCLI_URI')
- self.password = os.getenv('LSMCLI_PASSWORD')
- if self.args.uri is not None:
- self.uri = self.args.uri
- if self.uri is None:
- # We need a valid plug-in to instantiate even if all we are trying
- # to do is list the plug-ins at the moment to keep that code
- # the same in all cases, even though it isn't technically
- # required for the client library (static method)
- # TODO: Make this not necessary.
- if (self.args.type == "PLUGINS"):
- self.uri = "sim://"
- self.password = None
- else:
- raise ArgError("--uri missing or export LSMCLI_URI")
- # Lastly get the password if requested.
- if self.args.prompt:
- self.password = getpass.getpass()
- if self.password is not None:
- #Check for username
- u = uri_parse(self.uri)
- if u['username'] is None:
- raise ArgError("password specified with no user name in uri")
- ## Does appropriate clean-up
- # @param ec The exit code
- def shutdown(self, ec=None):
- if self.cleanup:
- self.cleanup()
- if ec:
- sys.exit(ec)
- ## Process the specified command
- # @param cli The object instance to invoke methods on.
- def process(self, cli=None):
- """
- Process the parsed command.
- """
- if cli:
- #Directly invoking code though a wrapper to catch unsupported
- #operations.
- self.c = Proxy(cli())
- self.c.plugin_register(self.uri, self.password, self.tmo)
- self.cleanup = self.c.shutdown
- else:
- #Going across the ipc pipe
- self.c = Proxy(Client(self.uri, self.password, self.tmo))
- if os.getenv('LSM_DEBUG_PLUGIN'):
- raw_input(
- "Attach debugger to plug-in, press <return> when ready...")
- self.cleanup = self.c.close
- self.args.func(self.args)
- self.shutdown()
diff --git a/tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py b/tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0d5c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1650 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import os
+import sys
+import getpass
+import time
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
+from lsm import (Client, Pool, VERSION, LsmError, Capabilities, Disk,
+ Initiator, Volume, JobStatus, ErrorNumber, BlockRange,
+ uri_parse)
+from _common import getch, size_human_2_size_bytes, Proxy
+from lsm.lsmcli.data_display import (
+ DisplayData, PlugData, out,
+ pool_raid_type_str_to_type, pool_member_type_str_to_type,
+ vol_provision_str_to_type, vol_rep_type_str_to_type,
+ vol_access_type_str_to_type)
+## Wraps the invocation to the command line
+# @param c Object to invoke calls on (optional)
+def cmd_line_wrapper(c=None):
+ """
+ Common command line code, called.
+ """
+ try:
+ cli = CmdLine()
+ cli.process(c)
+ except ArgError as ae:
+ sys.stderr.write(str(ae))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ except LsmError as le:
+ sys.stderr.write(str(le) + "\n")
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ sys.exit(4)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ sys.exit(1)
+## This class represents a command line argument error
+class ArgError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Class represents an error.
+ """
+ Exception.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.msg = message
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s: error: %s\n" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), self.msg)
+## Finds an item based on the id. Each list item requires a member "id"
+# @param l list to search
+# @param the_id the id to match
+# @param friendly_name - name to put in the exception saying what we
+# couldn't find
+def _get_item(l, the_id, friendly_name='item'):
+ for item in l:
+ if item.id == the_id:
+ return item
+ raise ArgError('%s with id %s not found!' % (friendly_name, the_id))
+list_choices = ['VOLUMES', 'INITIATORS', 'POOLS', 'FS', 'SNAPSHOTS',
+initiator_id_types = ('WWPN', 'WWNN', 'ISCSI', 'HOSTNAME', 'SAS')
+initiator_id_help = "Initiator ID type: " + ", ".join(initiator_id_types)
+provision_types = ('DEFAULT', 'THIN', 'FULL')
+provision_help = "provisioning type: " + ", ".join(provision_types)
+access_types = ('RO', 'RW')
+access_help = "Access type: %s. Default value is RW." % ", ".join(access_types)
+replicate_types = ('SNAPSHOT', 'CLONE', 'COPY', 'MIRROR_ASYNC', 'MIRROR_SYNC')
+replicate_help = "replication type: " + ", ".join(replicate_types)
+size_help = 'Can use B, KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB postfix (IEC sizing)'
+member_types = ('DISK', 'VOLUME', 'POOL', 'DISK_ATA', 'DISK_SATA',
+member_types_formatted = ''
+for i in range(0, len(member_types), 4):
+ member_types_formatted += "\n "
+ for member_type_str in member_types[i:i + 4]:
+ member_types_formatted += "%-15s" % member_type_str
+member_help = "Valid member type: " + member_types_formatted
+raid_types = ('JBOD', 'RAID0', 'RAID1', 'RAID3', 'RAID4', 'RAID5', 'RAID6',
+ 'RAID10', 'RAID50', 'RAID60', 'RAID51', 'RAID61',
+raid_types_formatted = ''
+for i in range(0, len(raid_types), 4):
+ raid_types_formatted += "\n "
+ for raid_type_str in raid_types[i:i + 4]:
+ raid_types_formatted += "%-15s" % raid_type_str
+raid_help = "Valid RAID type:" + raid_types_formatted
+sys_id_opt = dict(name='--sys', metavar='<SYS_ID>', help='System ID')
+pool_id_opt = dict(name='--pool', metavar='<POOL_ID>', help='Pool ID')
+vol_id_opt = dict(name='--vol', metavar='<VOL_ID>', help='Volume ID')
+fs_id_opt = dict(name='--fs', metavar='<FS_ID>', help='File system ID')
+ag_id_opt = dict(name='--ag', metavar='<AG_ID>', help='Access group ID')
+init_id_opt = dict(name='--init', metavar='<INIT_ID>', help='Initiator ID')
+snap_id_opt = dict(name='--snap', metavar='<SNAP_ID>', help='Snapshot ID')
+export_id_opt = dict(name='--export', metavar='<EXPORT_ID>', help='Export ID')
+size_opt = dict(name='--size', metavar='<SIZE>', help=size_help)
+access_opt = dict(name='--access', metavar='<ACCESS>', help=access_help,
+ choices=access_types, type=str.upper)
+init_type_opt = dict(name="--init-type", help=initiator_id_help,
+ metavar='<INIT_TYPE>', choices=initiator_id_types,
+ type=str.upper)
+cmds = (
+ dict(
+ name='list',
+ help="List records of different types",
+ args=[
+ dict(name='--type',
+ help="List records of type:\n " +
+ "\n ".join(list_choices) +
+ "\n\nWhen listing SNAPSHOTS, it requires --fs <FS_ID>.",
+ metavar='<TYPE>',
+ choices=list_choices,
+ type=str.upper),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name=('-a', '--all'),
+ help='Retrieve and display in script friendly way with ' +
+ 'all information including optional data if available',
+ default=False,
+ dest='all',
+ action='store_true'),
+ dict(fs_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='job-status',
+ help='Retrieve information about a job',
+ args=[
+ dict(name="--job", metavar="<JOB_ID>", help='job status id'),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='capabilities',
+ help='Retrieves array capabilities',
+ args=[
+ dict(sys_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='plugin-info',
+ help='Retrieves plugin description and version',
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='volume-create',
+ help='Creates a volume (logical unit)',
+ args=[
+ dict(name="--name", help='volume name', metavar='<NAME>'),
+ dict(size_opt),
+ dict(pool_id_opt),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--provisioning", help=provision_help,
+ default='DEFAULT',
+ choices=provision_types,
+ type=str.upper),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='volume-delete',
+ help='Deletes a volume given its id',
+ args=[
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='volume-resize',
+ help='Re-sizes a volume',
+ args=[
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ dict(name='--size', metavar='<NEW_SIZE>',
+ help="New size. %s" % size_help),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='volume-replicate',
+ help='Creates a new volume and replicates provided volume to it.',
+ args=[
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ dict(name="--name", metavar='<NEW_VOL_NAME>',
+ help='The name for New replicated volume'),
+ dict(name="--rep-type", metavar='<REPL_TYPE>',
+ help=replicate_help, choices=replicate_types),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--pool",
+ help='Pool ID to contain the new volume.\nBy default, '
+ 'new volume will be created in the same pool.'),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='volume-replicate-range',
+ help='Replicates a portion of a volume',
+ args=[
+ dict(name="--src-vol", metavar='<SRC_VOL_ID>',
+ help='Source volume id'),
+ dict(name="--dst-vol", metavar='<DST_VOL_ID>',
+ help='Destination volume id'),
+ dict(name="--rep-type", metavar='<REP_TYPE>', help=replicate_help,
+ choices=replicate_types),
+ dict(name="--src-start", metavar='<SRC_START_BLK>',
+ help='Source volume start block number.\n'
+ 'This is repeatable argument.',
+ action='append'),
+ dict(name="--dst-start", metavar='<DST_START_BLK>',
+ help='destination volume start block number.\n'
+ 'This is repeatable argument.',
+ action='append'),
+ dict(name="--count", metavar='<BLK_COUNT>',
+ help='Number of blocks to replicate.\n'
+ 'This is repeatable argument.',
+ action='append'),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='volume-replicate-range-block-size',
+ help='Size of each replicated block on a system in bytes',
+ args=[
+ dict(sys_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='volume-dependants',
+ help='Returns True if volume has a dependant child, like replication',
+ args=[
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='volume-dependants-rm',
+ help='Removes dependencies',
+ args=[
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='volume-access-group',
+ help='Lists the access group(s) that have access to volume',
+ args=[
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='volumes-accessible-initiator',
+ help='Lists the volumes that are accessible by the initiator',
+ args=[
+ dict(init_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='access-group-grant',
+ help='Grants access to an access group to a volume, '
+ 'like LUN Masking',
+ args=[
+ dict(ag_id_opt),
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(access_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='access-group-revoke',
+ help='Revoke the access of certain access group to a volume',
+ args=[
+ dict(ag_id_opt),
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='access-group-create',
+ help='Create an access group',
+ args=[
+ dict(name='--name', metavar='<AG_NAME>',
+ help="Human readable name for access group"),
+ # TODO: _client.py access_group_create should support multiple
+ # initiators when creating.
+ dict(init_id_opt),
+ dict(init_type_opt),
+ dict(sys_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='access-group-add',
+ help='Add an initiator into existing access group',
+ args=[
+ dict(ag_id_opt),
+ dict(init_id_opt),
+ dict(init_type_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='access-group-remove',
+ help='Remove an initiator from existing access group',
+ args=[
+ dict(ag_id_opt),
+ dict(init_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='access-group-delete',
+ help='Deletes an access group',
+ args=[
+ dict(ag_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='access-grant',
+ help='Grants access to an initiator to a volume',
+ args=[
+ dict(init_id_opt),
+ dict(init_type_opt),
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(access_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='access-revoke',
+ help='Removes access for an initiator to a volume',
+ args=[
+ dict(init_id_opt),
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='access-group-volumes',
+ help='Lists the volumes that the access group has'
+ ' been granted access to',
+ args=[
+ dict(ag_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='initiators-granted-volume',
+ help='Lists the initiators that have been '
+ 'granted access to specified volume',
+ args=[
+ dict(vol_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='iscsi-chap',
+ help='Configures iSCSI inbound/outbound CHAP authentication',
+ args=[
+ dict(init_id_opt),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--in-user", metavar='<IN_USER>',
+ help='Inbound chap user name'),
+ dict(name="--in-pass", metavar='<IN_PASS>',
+ help='Inbound chap password'),
+ dict(name="--out-user", metavar='<OUT_USER>',
+ help='Outbound chap user name'),
+ dict(name="--out-pass", metavar='<OUT_PASS>',
+ help='Outbound chap password'),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-create',
+ help='Creates a file system',
+ args=[
+ dict(name="--name", metavar='<FS_NAME>',
+ help='name of the file system'),
+ dict(size_opt),
+ dict(pool_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-delete',
+ help='Delete a filesystem',
+ args=[
+ dict(fs_id_opt)
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-resize',
+ help='Re-sizes a filesystem',
+ args=[
+ dict(fs_id_opt),
+ dict(name="--size", metavar="<NEW_SIZE>",
+ help="New size. %s" % size_help),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-export',
+ help='Export a filesystem via NFS.',
+ args=[
+ dict(fs_id_opt),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--exportpath", metavar='<EXPORT_PATH>',
+ help="NFS server export path. e.g. '/foo/bar'."),
+ dict(name="--anonuid", metavar='<ANONY_UID>',
+ help='UID(User ID) to map to anonymous user'),
+ dict(name="--anongid", metavar='<ANONY_GID>',
+ help='GID(Group ID) to map to anonymous user'),
+ dict(name="--auth-type", metavar='<AUTH_TYPE>',
+ help='NFS client authentication type'),
+ dict(name="--root-host", metavar='<ROOT_HOST>',
+ help="The host/IP has root access.\n"
+ "This is repeatable argument.",
+ action='append',
+ default=[]),
+ dict(name="--ro-host", metavar='<RO_HOST>',
+ help="The host/IP has readonly access.\n"
+ "This is repeatable argument.",
+ action='append', default=[]),
+ dict(name="--rw-host", metavar='<RW_HOST>',
+ help="The host/IP has readwrite access.\n"
+ "This is repeatable argument.",
+ action='append', default=[]),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-unexport',
+ help='Delete an NFS export',
+ args=[
+ dict(export_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-clone',
+ help='Creates a file system clone',
+ args=[
+ dict(name="--src-fs", metavar='<SRC_FS_ID>',
+ help='The ID of existing source file system.'),
+ dict(name="--dst-name", metavar='<DST_FS_NAME>',
+ help='The name for newly created destination file system.'),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--backing-snapshot", metavar='<BE_SS_ID>',
+ help='backing snapshot id'),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-snap-create',
+ help='Creates a snapshot',
+ args=[
+ dict(name="--name", metavar="<SNAP_NAME>",
+ help='The human friendly name of new snapshot'),
+ dict(fs_id_opt),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--file", metavar="<FILE_PATH>",
+ help="Only create snapshot for provided file\n"
+ "Without this argument, all files will be snapshotted\n"
+ "This is a repeatable argument.",
+ action='append', default=[]),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-snap-delete',
+ help='Deletes a snapshot',
+ args=[
+ dict(snap_id_opt),
+ dict(fs_id_opt), # TODO: why we need filesystem ID?
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-snap-restore',
+ help='Restores a FS or specified files to '
+ 'previous snapshot state',
+ args=[
+ dict(snap_id_opt),
+ dict(fs_id_opt),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--file", metavar="<FILE_PATH>",
+ help="Only restore provided file\n"
+ "Without this argument, all files will be restored\n"
+ "This is a repeatable argument.",
+ action='append', default=[]),
+ dict(name="--fileas", metavar="<NEW_FILE_PATH>",
+ help="store restore file name to another name.\n"
+ "This is a repeatable argument.",
+ action='append',
+ default=[]),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-dependants',
+ help='Returns True if filesystem has a child '
+ 'dependency(clone/snapshot) exists',
+ args=[
+ dict(fs_id_opt),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--file", metavar="<FILE_PATH>",
+ action="append", default=[],
+ help="For file check\nThis is a repeatable argument."),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='fs-dependants-rm',
+ help='Removes file system dependencies',
+ args=[
+ dict(fs_id_opt),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--file", action='append', default=[],
+ help='File or files to remove dependencies for.\n'
+ "This is a repeatable argument.",),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='file-clone',
+ help='Creates a clone of a file (thin provisioned)',
+ args=[
+ dict(fs_id_opt),
+ dict(name="--src", metavar="<SRC_FILE_PATH>",
+ help='source file to clone (relative path)\n'
+ "This is a repeatable argument.",),
+ dict(name="--dst", metavar="<DST_FILE_PATH>",
+ help='destination file (relative path)'
+ "This is a repeatable argument."),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--backing-snapshot", help='backing snapshot id'),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='pool-create',
+ help='Creates a storage pool',
+ args=[
+ dict(sys_id_opt),
+ dict(name="--name", metavar="<POOL_NAME>",
+ help="Human friendly name for new pool"),
+ dict(size_opt),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name="--raid-type", metavar='<RAID_TYPE>',
+ help=raid_help,
+ choices=raid_types,
+ type=str.upper),
+ dict(name="--member-type", metavar='<MEMBER_TYPE>',
+ help=member_help,
+ choices=member_types),
+ dict(name=('-o', '--optional'),
+ help='Retrieve additional optional info if available',
+ default=False,
+ action='store_true'),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='pool-create-from-disks',
+ help='Creates a storage pool from disks',
+ args=[
+ dict(sys_id_opt),
+ dict(name="--name", metavar="<POOL_NAME>",
+ help="Human friendly name for new pool"),
+ dict(name="--member-id", metavar='<MEMBER_ID>',
+ help='The ID of disks to create new pool\n'
+ 'This is a repeatable argument',
+ action='append'),
+ dict(name="--raid-type", metavar='<RAID_TYPE>',
+ help=raid_help,
+ choices=raid_types,
+ type=str.upper),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name=('-o', '--optional'),
+ help='Retrieve additional optional info if available',
+ default=False,
+ action='store_true'),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='pool-create-from-volumes',
+ help='Creates a storage pool from volumes',
+ args=[
+ dict(sys_id_opt),
+ dict(name="--name", metavar="<POOL_NAME>",
+ help="Human friendly name for new pool"),
+ dict(name="--member-id", metavar='<MEMBER_ID>',
+ help='The ID of volumes to create new pool\n'
+ 'This is a repeatable argument',
+ action='append'),
+ dict(name="--raid-type", metavar='<RAID_TYPE>',
+ help=raid_help,
+ choices=raid_types,
+ type=str.upper),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name=('-o', '--optional'),
+ help='Retrieve additional optional info if available',
+ default=False,
+ action='store_true'),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='pool-create-from-pool',
+ help='Creates a sub-pool from another storage pool',
+ args=[
+ dict(sys_id_opt),
+ dict(name="--name", metavar="<POOL_NAME>",
+ help="Human friendly name for new pool"),
+ dict(name="--member-id", metavar='<POOL_ID>',
+ help='The ID of pool to create new pool from\n',
+ action='append'),
+ dict(name="--size", metavar='<SIZE>',
+ help='The size of new pool'),
+ ],
+ optional=[
+ dict(name=('-o', '--optional'),
+ help='Retrieve additional optional info if available',
+ default=False,
+ action='store_true'),
+ ],
+ ),
+ dict(
+ name='pool-delete',
+ help='Deletes a storage pool',
+ args=[
+ dict(pool_id_opt),
+ ],
+ ),
+## Class that encapsulates the command line arguments for lsmcli
+# Note: This class is used by lsmcli and any python plug-ins.
+class CmdLine:
+ """
+ Command line interface class.
+ """
+ ##
+ # Warn of imminent data loss
+ # @param deleting Indicate data will be lost vs. may be lost
+ # (re-size)
+ # @return True if operation confirmed, else False
+ def confirm_prompt(self, deleting):
+ """
+ Give the user a chance to bail.
+ """
+ if not self.args.force:
+ msg = "will" if deleting else "may"
+ out("Warning: You are about to do an operation that %s cause data "
+ "to be lost!\nPress [Y|y] to continue, any other key to abort"
+ % msg)
+ pressed = getch()
+ if pressed.upper() == 'Y':
+ return True
+ else:
+ out('Operation aborted!')
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ ##
+ # Tries to make the output better when it varies considerably from
+ # plug-in to plug-in.
+ # @param objects Data, first row is header all other data.
+ def display_data(self, objects, extra_properties=None):
+ display_all = False
+ if len(objects) == 0:
+ return
+ if hasattr(self.args, 'all') and self.args.all:
+ display_all = True
+ flag_with_header = True
+ if self.args.sep:
+ flag_with_header = False
+ if self.args.header:
+ flag_with_header = True
+ display_way = DisplayData.DISPLAY_WAY_DEFAULT
+ if self.args.script:
+ display_way = DisplayData.DISPLAY_WAY_SCRIPT
+ DisplayData.display_data(
+ objects, display_way=display_way, flag_human=self.args.human,
+ flag_enum=self.args.enum, extra_properties=extra_properties,
+ splitter=self.args.sep, flag_with_header=flag_with_header,
+ flag_dsp_all_data=display_all)
+ def display_available_plugins(self):
+ d = []
+ sep = '<}{>'
+ plugins = Client.available_plugins(sep)
+ for p in plugins:
+ desc, version = p.split(sep)
+ d.append(PlugData(desc, version))
+ self.display_data(d)
+ ## All the command line arguments and options are created in this method
+ def cli(self):
+ """
+ Command line interface parameters
+ """
+ parent_parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '-v', '--version', action='version',
+ version="%s %s" % (sys.argv[0], VERSION))
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '-u', '--uri', action="store", type=str, metavar='<URI>',
+ dest="uri", help='Uniform resource identifier (env LSMCLI_URI)')
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '-P', '--prompt', action="store_true", dest="prompt",
+ help='Prompt for password (env LSMCLI_PASSWORD)')
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '-H', '--human', action="store_true", dest="human",
+ help='Print sizes in human readable format\n'
+ '(e.g., MiB, GiB, TiB)')
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '-t', '--terse', action="store", dest="sep", metavar='<SEP>',
+ help='Print output in terse form with "SEP" '
+ 'as a record separator')
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '-e', '--enum', action="store_true", dest="enum", default=False,
+ help='Display enumerated types as numbers instead of text')
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '-f', '--force', action="store_true", dest="force", default=False,
+ help='Bypass confirmation prompt for data loss operations')
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '-w', '--wait', action="store", type=int, dest="wait",
+ default=30000, help="Command timeout value in ms (default = 30s)")
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '--header', action="store_true", dest="header",
+ help='Include the header with terse')
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '-b', action="store_true", dest="async", default=False,
+ help='Run the command async. Instead of waiting for completion.\n '
+ 'Command will exit(7) and job id written to stdout.')
+ parent_parser.add_argument(
+ '-s', '--script', action="store_true", dest="script",
+ default=False, help='Displaying data in script friendly way.')
+ parser = ArgumentParser(
+ description='The libStorageMgmt command line interface.'
+ ' Run %(prog)s <command> -h for more on each command.',
+ epilog='Copyright 2012-2014 Red Hat, Inc.\n'
+ 'Please report bugs to '
+ '<libstoragemgmt-***@lists.sourceforge.net>\n',
+ formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter,
+ parents=[parent_parser])
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(metavar="command")
+ # Walk the command list and add all of them to the parser
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ sub_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ cmd['name'], help=cmd['help'], parents=[parent_parser],
+ formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
+ group = sub_parser.add_argument_group("cmd required arguments")
+ for arg in cmd.get('args', []):
+ name = arg['name']
+ del arg['name']
+ group.add_argument(name, required=True, **arg)
+ group = sub_parser.add_argument_group("cmd optional arguments")
+ for arg in cmd.get('optional', []):
+ flags = arg['name']
+ del arg['name']
+ if not isinstance(flags, tuple):
+ flags = (flags,)
+ group.add_argument(*flags, **arg)
+ sub_parser.set_defaults(
+ func=getattr(self, cmd['name'].replace("-", "_")))
+ return parser.parse_args()
+ ## Display the types of nfs client authentication that are supported.
+ # @return None
+ def display_nfs_client_authentication(self):
+ """
+ Dump the supported nfs client authentication types
+ """
+ if self.args.sep:
+ out(self.args.sep.join(self.c.export_auth()))
+ else:
+ out(", ".join(self.c.export_auth()))
+ ## Method that calls the appropriate method based on what the list type is
+ # @param args Argparse argument object
+ def list(self, args):
+ if args.type == 'VOLUMES':
+ self.display_data(self.c.volumes())
+ elif args.type == 'POOLS':
+ if args.all:
+ self.display_data(
+ self.c.pools(Pool.RETRIEVE_FULL_INFO))
+ else:
+ self.display_data(self.c.pools())
+ elif args.type == 'FS':
+ self.display_data(self.c.fs())
+ elif args.type == 'SNAPSHOTS':
+ if args.fs is None:
+ raise ArgError("--fs <file system id> required")
+ fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, 'filesystem')
+ self.display_data(self.c.fs_snapshots(fs))
+ elif args.type == 'INITIATORS':
+ self.display_data(self.c.initiators())
+ elif args.type == 'EXPORTS':
+ self.display_data(self.c.exports())
+ elif args.type == 'NFS_CLIENT_AUTH':
+ self.display_nfs_client_authentication()
+ elif args.type == 'ACCESS_GROUPS':
+ self.display_data(self.c.access_groups())
+ elif args.type == 'SYSTEMS':
+ self.display_data(self.c.systems())
+ elif args.type == 'DISKS':
+ if args.all:
+ self.display_data(
+ self.c.disks(Disk.RETRIEVE_FULL_INFO))
+ else:
+ self.display_data(self.c.disks())
+ elif args.type == 'PLUGINS':
+ self.display_available_plugins()
+ else:
+ raise ArgError("unsupported listing type=%s" % args.type)
+ ## Converts type initiator type to enumeration type.
+ # @param type String representation of type
+ # @returns Enumerated value
+ @staticmethod
+ def _init_type_to_enum(init_type):
+ if init_type == 'WWPN':
+ init = Initiator.TYPE_PORT_WWN
+ elif init_type == 'WWNN':
+ init = Initiator.TYPE_NODE_WWN
+ elif init_type == 'ISCSI':
+ init = Initiator.TYPE_ISCSI
+ elif init_type == 'HOSTNAME':
+ init = Initiator.TYPE_HOSTNAME
+ elif init_type == 'SAS':
+ init = Initiator.TYPE_SAS
+ else:
+ raise ArgError("invalid initiator type " + init_type)
+ return init
+ ## Creates an access group.
+ def access_group_create(self, args):
+ init_enum = CmdLine._init_type_to_enum(args.init_type)
+ access_group = self.c.access_group_create(args.name, args.init,
+ init_enum, args.sys)
+ self.display_data([access_group])
+ def _add_rm_access_grp_init(self, args, op):
+ agl = self.c.access_groups()
+ group = _get_item(agl, args.ag, "access group id")
+ if op:
+ init = CmdLine._init_type_to_enum(args.init_type)
+ self.c.access_group_initiator_add(
+ group, args.init, init)
+ else:
+ init = _get_item(self.c.initiators(), args.init, "initiator id")
+ self.c.access_group_initiator_delete(group, init.id)
+ ## Adds an initiator from an access group
+ def access_group_add(self, args):
+ self._add_rm_access_grp_init(args, True)
+ ## Removes an initiator from an access group
+ def access_group_remove(self, args):
+ self._add_rm_access_grp_init(args, False)
+ def access_group_volumes(self, args):
+ agl = self.c.access_groups()
+ group = _get_item(agl, args.ag, "access group id")
+ vols = self.c.volumes_accessible_by_access_group(group)
+ self.display_data(vols)
+ def volumes_accessible_initiator(self, args):
+ init = _get_item(self.c.initiators(), args.init, "initiator id")
+ volumes = self.c.volumes_accessible_by_initiator(init)
+ self.display_data(volumes)
+ def initiators_granted_volume(self, args):
+ vol = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
+ initiators = self.c.initiators_granted_to_volume(vol)
+ self.display_data(initiators)
+ def iscsi_chap(self, args):
+ init = _get_item(self.c.initiators(), args.init, "initiator id")
+ self.c.iscsi_chap_auth(init, args.in_user,
+ self.args.in_pass,
+ self.args.out_user,
+ self.args.out_pass)
+ def volume_access_group(self, args):
+ vol = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
+ groups = self.c.access_groups_granted_to_volume(vol)
+ self.display_data(groups)
+ ## Used to delete access group
+ def access_group_delete(self, args):
+ agl = self.c.access_groups()
+ group = _get_item(agl, args.ag, "access group id")
+ return self.c.access_group_delete(group)
+ ## Used to delete a file system
+ def fs_delete(self, args):
+ fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "filesystem id")
+ if self.confirm_prompt(True):
+ self._wait_for_it("fs-delete", self.c.fs_delete(fs), None)
+ ## Used to create a file system
+ def fs_create(self, args):
+ p = _get_item(self.c.pools(), args.pool, "pool id")
+ fs = self._wait_for_it("fs-create",
+ *self.c.fs_create(p, args.name,
+ self._size(args.size)))
+ self.display_data([fs])
+ ## Used to resize a file system
+ def fs_resize(self, args):
+ fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "filesystem id")
+ size = self._size(args.size)
+ if self.confirm_prompt(False):
+ fs = self._wait_for_it("fs-resize",
+ *self.c.fs_resize(fs, size))
+ self.display_data([fs])
+ ## Used to clone a file system
+ def fs_clone(self, args):
+ src_fs = _get_item(
+ self.c.fs(), args.src_fs, "source file system id")
+ ss = None
+ if args.backing_snapshot:
+ #go get the snapshot
+ ss = _get_item(self.c.fs_snapshots(src_fs),
+ args.backing_snapshot, "snapshot id")
+ fs = self._wait_for_it(
+ "fs_clone", *self.c.fs_clone(src_fs, args.dst_name, ss))
+ self.display_data([fs])
+ ## Used to clone a file(s)
+ def file_clone(self, args):
+ fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "filesystem id")
+ if self.args.backing_snapshot:
+ #go get the snapshot
+ ss = _get_item(self.c.fs_snapshots(fs),
+ args.backing_snapshot, "snapshot id")
+ else:
+ ss = None
+ self._wait_for_it(
+ "fs_file_clone", self.c.fs_file_clone(fs, args.src, args.dst, ss), None)
+ ##Converts a size parameter into the appropriate number of bytes
+ # @param s Size to convert to bytes handles B, K, M, G, T, P postfix
+ # @return Size in bytes
+ @staticmethod
+ def _size(s):
+ size_bytes = size_human_2_size_bytes(s)
+ if size_bytes <= 0:
+ raise ArgError("Incorrect size argument format: '%s'" % s)
+ return size_bytes
+ def _cp(self, cap, val):
+ if self.args.sep is not None:
+ s = self.args.sep
+ else:
+ s = ':'
+ if val:
+ else:
+ out("%s%s%s" % (cap, s, v))
+ def capabilities(self, args):
+ s = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
+ cap = self.c.capabilities(s)
+ self._cp("BLOCK_SUPPORT", cap.supported(Capabilities.BLOCK_SUPPORT))
+ self._cp("FS_SUPPORT", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SUPPORT))
+ self._cp("INITIATORS", cap.supported(Capabilities.INITIATORS))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.INITIATORS_GRANTED_TO_VOLUME))
+ self._cp("VOLUMES", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUMES))
+ self._cp("VOLUME_CREATE", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_CREATE))
+ self._cp("VOLUME_RESIZE", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_RESIZE))
+ self._cp("VOLUME_REPLICATE",
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_REPLICATE))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_REPLICATE_CLONE))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_REPLICATE_COPY))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_REPLICATE_MIRROR_ASYNC))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_REPLICATE_MIRROR_SYNC))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_COPY_RANGE_BLOCK_SIZE))
+ self._cp("VOLUME_COPY_RANGE",
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_COPY_RANGE))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_COPY_RANGE_CLONE))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_COPY_RANGE_COPY))
+ self._cp("VOLUME_DELETE", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_DELETE))
+ self._cp("VOLUME_ONLINE", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_ONLINE))
+ self._cp("VOLUME_OFFLINE", cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_OFFLINE))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_INITIATOR_GRANT))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_INITIATOR_REVOKE))
+ self._cp("VOLUME_THIN",
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_THIN))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_ISCSI_CHAP_AUTHENTICATION))
+ self._cp("ACCESS_GROUP_GRANT",
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_GRANT))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_REVOKE))
+ self._cp("ACCESS_GROUP_LIST",
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_LIST))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_CREATE))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_DELETE))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_ADD_INITIATOR))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUP_DEL_INITIATOR))
+ cap.supported(
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_ACCESSIBLE_BY_INITIATOR))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.ACCESS_GROUPS_GRANTED_TO_VOLUME))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_CHILD_DEPENDENCY))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.VOLUME_CHILD_DEPENDENCY_RM))
+ self._cp("FS", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS))
+ self._cp("FS_DELETE", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_DELETE))
+ self._cp("FS_RESIZE", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_RESIZE))
+ self._cp("FS_CREATE", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_CREATE))
+ self._cp("FS_CLONE", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_CLONE))
+ self._cp("FILE_CLONE", cap.supported(Capabilities.FILE_CLONE))
+ self._cp("FS_SNAPSHOTS", cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOTS))
+ self._cp("FS_SNAPSHOT_CREATE",
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOT_CREATE))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_SPECIFIC_FILES))
+ self._cp("FS_SNAPSHOT_DELETE",
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOT_DELETE))
+ self._cp("FS_SNAPSHOT_REVERT",
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOT_REVERT))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_SNAPSHOT_REVERT_SPECIFIC_FILES))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_CHILD_DEPENDENCY))
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.FS_CHILD_DEPENDENCY_RM))
+ self._cp("FS_CHILD_DEPENDENCY_RM_SPECIFIC_FILES", cap.supported(
+ self._cp("EXPORT_AUTH", cap.supported(Capabilities.EXPORT_AUTH))
+ self._cp("EXPORTS", cap.supported(Capabilities.EXPORTS))
+ self._cp("EXPORT_FS", cap.supported(Capabilities.EXPORT_FS))
+ self._cp("EXPORT_REMOVE", cap.supported(Capabilities.EXPORT_REMOVE))
+ self._cp("EXPORT_CUSTOM_PATH",
+ cap.supported(Capabilities.EXPORT_CUSTOM_PATH))
+ def plugin_info(self, args):
+ desc, version = self.c.plugin_info()
+ if args.sep:
+ out("%s%s%s" % (desc, args.sep, version))
+ else:
+ out("Description: %s Version: %s" % (desc, version))
+ ## Creates a volume
+ def volume_create(self, args):
+ #Get pool
+ p = _get_item(self.c.pools(), args.pool, "pool id")
+ vol = self._wait_for_it(
+ "volume-create",
+ *self.c.volume_create(
+ p,
+ args.name,
+ self._size(args.size),
+ vol_provision_str_to_type(args.provisioning)))
+ self.display_data([vol])
+ ## Creates a snapshot
+ def fs_snap_create(self, args):
+ #Get fs
+ fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "fs id")
+ ss = self._wait_for_it("snapshot-create",
+ *self.c.fs_snapshot_create(
+ fs,
+ args.name,
+ self.args.file))
+ self.display_data([ss])
+ ## Restores a snap shot
+ def fs_snap_restore(self, args):
+ #Get snapshot
+ fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "fs id")
+ ss = _get_item(self.c.fs_snapshots(fs), args.snap, "snapshot id")
+ flag_all_files = True
+ if self.args.file:
+ flag_all_files = False
+ if self.args.fileas:
+ if len(self.args.file) != len(self.args.fileas):
+ raise ArgError(
+ "number of --file not equal to --fileas")
+ if self.confirm_prompt(True):
+ self._wait_for_it(
+ 'fs-snap-restore',
+ self.c.fs_snapshot_restore(
+ fs, ss, self.args.file, self.args.fileas, flag_all_files),
+ None)
+ ## Deletes a volume
+ def volume_delete(self, args):
+ v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
+ if self.confirm_prompt(True):
+ self._wait_for_it("volume-delete", self.c.volume_delete(v),
+ None)
+ ## Deletes a snap shot
+ def fs_snap_delete(self, args):
+ fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "filesystem id")
+ ss = _get_item(self.c.fs_snapshots(fs), args.snap, "snapshot id")
+ if self.confirm_prompt(True):
+ self._wait_for_it("fs_snap_delete",
+ self.c.fs_snapshot_delete(fs, ss), None)
+ ## Waits for an operation to complete by polling for the status of the
+ # operations.
+ # @param msg Message to display if this job fails
+ # @param job The job id to wait on
+ # @param item The item that could be available now if there is no job
+ def _wait_for_it(self, msg, job, item):
+ if not job:
+ return item
+ else:
+ #If a user doesn't want to wait, return the job id to stdout
+ #and exit with job in progress
+ if self.args.async:
+ out(job)
+ self.shutdown(ErrorNumber.JOB_STARTED)
+ while True:
+ (s, percent, item) = self.c.job_status(job)
+ if s == JobStatus.INPROGRESS:
+ #Add an option to spit out progress?
+ #print "%s - Percent %s complete" % (job, percent)
+ time.sleep(0.25)
+ elif s == JobStatus.COMPLETE:
+ self.c.job_free(job)
+ return item
+ else:
+ #Something better to do here?
+ raise ArgError(msg + " job error code= " + str(s))
+ ## Retrieves the status of the specified job
+ def job_status(self, args):
+ (s, percent, item) = self.c.job_status(args.job)
+ if s == JobStatus.COMPLETE:
+ if item:
+ self.display_data([item])
+ self.c.job_free(args.job)
+ else:
+ out(str(percent))
+ self.shutdown(ErrorNumber.JOB_STARTED)
+ ## Replicates a volume
+ def volume_replicate(self, args):
+ p = None
+ if args.pool:
+ p = _get_item(self.c.pools(), args.pool, "pool id")
+ v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
+ rep_type = vol_rep_type_str_to_type(args.rep_type)
+ if rep_type == Volume.REPLICATE_UNKNOWN:
+ raise ArgError("invalid replication type= %s" % rep_type)
+ vol = self._wait_for_it(
+ "replicate volume",
+ *self.c.volume_replicate(p, rep_type, v, args.name))
+ self.display_data([vol])
+ ## Replicates a range of a volume
+ def volume_replicate_range(self, args):
+ src = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.src_vol, "source volume id")
+ dst = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.dst_vol,
+ "destination volume id")
+ rep_type = vol_rep_type_str_to_type(args.rep_type)
+ if rep_type == Volume.REPLICATE_UNKNOWN:
+ raise ArgError("invalid replication type= %s" % rep_type)
+ src_starts = args.src_start
+ dst_starts = args.dst_start
+ counts = args.count
+ if not len(src_starts) \
+ or not (len(src_starts) == len(dst_starts) == len(counts)):
+ raise ArgError("Differing numbers of src_start, dest_start, "
+ "and count parameters")
+ ranges = []
+ for b in range(len(src_starts)):
+ ranges.append(BlockRange(src_starts[b], dst_starts[b], counts[b]))
+ if self.confirm_prompt(False):
+ self.c.volume_replicate_range(rep_type, src, dst, ranges)
+ ##
+ # Returns the block size in bytes for each block represented in
+ # volume_replicate_range
+ def volume_replicate_range_block_size(self, args):
+ s = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
+ out(self.c.volume_replicate_range_block_size(s))
+ ## Used to grant or revoke access to a volume to an initiator.
+ # @param grant bool, if True we grant, else we un-grant.
+ def _access(self, grant, args):
+ v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
+ initiator_id = args.init
+ if grant:
+ i_type = CmdLine._init_type_to_enum(args.init_type)
+ access = 'DEFAULT'
+ if args.access is not None:
+ access = vol_access_type_str_to_type(args.access)
+ self.c.initiator_grant(initiator_id, i_type, v, access)
+ else:
+ initiator = _get_item(self.c.initiators(), initiator_id,
+ "initiator id")
+ self.c.initiator_revoke(initiator, v)
+ ## Grant access to volume to an initiator
+ def access_grant(self, args):
+ return self._access(True, args)
+ ## Revoke access to volume to an initiator
+ def access_revoke(self, args):
+ return self._access(False, args)
+ def _access_group(self, args, grant=True):
+ agl = self.c.access_groups()
+ group = _get_item(agl, args.ag, "access group id")
+ v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
+ if grant:
+ access = 'RW'
+ if args.access is not None:
+ access = args.access
+ access = vol_access_type_str_to_type(args.access)
+ self.c.access_group_grant(group, v, access)
+ else:
+ self.c.access_group_revoke(group, v)
+ def access_group_grant(self, args):
+ return self._access_group(args, grant=True)
+ def access_group_revoke(self, args):
+ return self._access_group(args, grant=False)
+ ## Re-sizes a volume
+ def volume_resize(self, args):
+ v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
+ size = self._size(args.size)
+ if self.confirm_prompt(False):
+ vol = self._wait_for_it("resize",
+ *self.c.volume_resize(v, size))
+ self.display_data([vol])
+ ## Removes a nfs export
+ def fs_unexport(self, args):
+ export = _get_item(self.c.exports(), args.export, "nfs export id")
+ self.c.export_remove(export)
+ ## Exports a file system as a NFS export
+ def fs_export(self, args):
+ fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "file system id")
+ # Check to see if we have some type of access specified
+ if len(args.rw_host) == 0 \
+ and len(args.ro_host) == 0:
+ raise ArgError(" please specify --ro-host or --rw-host")
+ export = self.c.export_fs(
+ fs.id,
+ args.exportpath,
+ args.root_host,
+ args.rw_host,
+ args.ro_host,
+ args.anonuid,
+ args.anongid,
+ args.auth_type,
+ None)
+ self.display_data([export])
+ ## Displays volume dependants.
+ def volume_dependants(self, args):
+ v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
+ rc = self.c.volume_child_dependency(v)
+ out(rc)
+ ## Removes volume dependants.
+ def volume_dependants_rm(self, args):
+ v = _get_item(self.c.volumes(), args.vol, "volume id")
+ self._wait_for_it("volume-dependant-rm",
+ self.c.volume_child_dependency_rm(v), None)
+ ## Displays file system dependants
+ def fs_dependants(self, args):
+ fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "file system id")
+ rc = self.c.fs_child_dependency(fs, args.file)
+ out(rc)
+ ## Removes file system dependants
+ def fs_dependants_rm(self, args):
+ fs = _get_item(self.c.fs(), args.fs, "file system id")
+ self._wait_for_it("fs-dependants-rm",
+ self.c.fs_child_dependency_rm(fs,
+ args.file),
+ None)
+ ## Deletes a pool
+ def pool_delete(self, args):
+ pool = _get_item(self.c.pools(), args.pool, "pool id")
+ if self.confirm_prompt(True):
+ self._wait_for_it("pool-delete",
+ self.c.pool_delete(pool),
+ None)
+ ## Creates a pool
+ def pool_create(self, args):
+ system = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
+ pool_name = args.name
+ raid_type = Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN
+ member_type = Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_UNKNOWN
+ size_bytes = self._size(self.args.size)
+ if args.raid_type:
+ raid_type = pool_raid_type_str_to_type(
+ self.args.raid_type)
+ if raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ raise ArgError("Unknown RAID type specified: %s" %
+ args.raid_type)
+ if args.member_type:
+ member_type = pool_member_type_str_to_type(
+ args.member_type)
+ if member_type == Pool.MEMBER_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ raise ArgError("Unknown member type specified: %s" %
+ args.member_type)
+ pool = self._wait_for_it("pool-create",
+ *self.c.pool_create(system,
+ pool_name,
+ size_bytes,
+ raid_type,
+ member_type,
+ 0))
+ self.display_data([pool])
+ def pool_create_from_disks(self, args):
+ system = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
+ if len(args.member_id) <= 0:
+ raise ArgError("No disk ID was provided for new pool")
+ member_ids = args.member_id
+ disks_to_use = []
+ disks = self.c.disks()
+ disk_ids = dict((x.id, x) for x in disks)
+ for member_id in member_ids:
+ if member_id not in disk_ids:
+ raise ArgError("Invalid Disk ID specified in " +
+ "--member-id %s " % member_id)
+ else:
+ disks_to_use.append(disk_ids[member_id])
+ raid_type = pool_raid_type_str_to_type(self.args.raid_type)
+ if raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ raise ArgError("Unknown RAID type specified: %s" %
+ self.args.raid_type)
+ pool_name = args.name
+ pool = self._wait_for_it(
+ "pool-create-from-disks",
+ *self.c.pool_create_from_disks(
+ system, pool_name, disks_to_use, raid_type, 0))
+ self.display_data([pool])
+ def pool_create_from_volumes(self, args):
+ system = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
+ if len(args.member_id) <= 0:
+ raise ArgError("No volume ID was provided for new pool")
+ member_ids = args.member_id
+ volumes = self.c.volumes()
+ vol_ids = [v.id for v in volumes]
+ for member_id in member_ids:
+ if member_id not in vol_ids:
+ raise ArgError("Invalid volumes ID specified in " +
+ "--member-id %s " % member_id)
+ raid_type = pool_raid_type_str_to_type(
+ self.args.raid_type)
+ if raid_type == Pool.RAID_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ raise ArgError("Unknown RAID type specified: %s" %
+ self.args.raid_type)
+ pool_name = args.name
+ pool = self._wait_for_it(
+ "pool-create-from-volumes",
+ *self.c.pool_create_from_volumes(
+ system, pool_name, member_ids, raid_type, 0))
+ self.display_data([pool])
+ def pool_create_from_pool(self, args):
+ system = _get_item(self.c.systems(), args.sys, "system id")
+ if len(args.member_id) <= 0:
+ raise ArgError("No volume ID was provided for new pool")
+ member_ids = args.member_id
+ if len(member_ids) > 1:
+ raise ArgError("Two or more member defined, but creating pool " +
+ "from pool only allow one member pool")
+ member_id = member_ids[0]
+ pool = _get_item(self.c.pools(), member_id, "pool id")
+ size_bytes = self._size(self.args.size)
+ pool_name = args.name
+ pool = self._wait_for_it(
+ "pool-create-from-pool",
+ *self.c.pool_create_from_pool(
+ system, pool_name, pool, size_bytes, 0))
+ self.display_data([pool])
+ def _read_configfile(self):
+ """
+ Set uri from config file. Will be overridden by cmdline option or
+ env var if present.
+ """
+ allowed_config_options = ("uri",)
+ config_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.lsmcli"
+ if not os.path.exists(config_path):
+ return
+ with open(config_path) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line.lstrip().startswith("#"):
+ continue
+ try:
+ name, val = [x.strip() for x in line.split("=", 1)]
+ if name in allowed_config_options:
+ setattr(self, name, val)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ ## Class constructor.
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.uri = None
+ self.c = None
+ self.args = self.cli()
+ self.cleanup = None
+ self.tmo = int(self.args.wait)
+ if not self.tmo or self.tmo < 0:
+ raise ArgError("[-w|--wait] requires a non-zero positive integer")
+ self._read_configfile()
+ if os.getenv('LSMCLI_URI') is not None:
+ self.uri = os.getenv('LSMCLI_URI')
+ self.password = os.getenv('LSMCLI_PASSWORD')
+ if self.args.uri is not None:
+ self.uri = self.args.uri
+ if self.uri is None:
+ # We need a valid plug-in to instantiate even if all we are trying
+ # to do is list the plug-ins at the moment to keep that code
+ # the same in all cases, even though it isn't technically
+ # required for the client library (static method)
+ # TODO: Make this not necessary.
+ if (self.args.type == "PLUGINS"):
+ self.uri = "sim://"
+ self.password = None
+ else:
+ raise ArgError("--uri missing or export LSMCLI_URI")
+ # Lastly get the password if requested.
+ if self.args.prompt:
+ self.password = getpass.getpass()
+ if self.password is not None:
+ #Check for username
+ u = uri_parse(self.uri)
+ if u['username'] is None:
+ raise ArgError("password specified with no user name in uri")
+ ## Does appropriate clean-up
+ # @param ec The exit code
+ def shutdown(self, ec=None):
+ if self.cleanup:
+ self.cleanup()
+ if ec:
+ sys.exit(ec)
+ ## Process the specified command
+ # @param cli The object instance to invoke methods on.
+ def process(self, cli=None):
+ """
+ Process the parsed command.
+ """
+ if cli:
+ #Directly invoking code though a wrapper to catch unsupported
+ #operations.
+ self.c = Proxy(cli())
+ self.c.plugin_register(self.uri, self.password, self.tmo)
+ self.cleanup = self.c.shutdown
+ else:
+ #Going across the ipc pipe
+ self.c = Proxy(Client(self.uri, self.password, self.tmo))
+ if os.getenv('LSM_DEBUG_PLUGIN'):
+ raw_input(
+ "Attach debugger to plug-in, press <return> when ready...")
+ self.cleanup = self.c.close
+ self.args.func(self.args)
+ self.shutdown()
Gris Ge
2014-05-22 14:48:04 UTC
* Makefile update for cmdline.py rename.

Signed-off-by: Gris Ge <***@redhat.com>
python_binding/Makefile.am | 1 -
tools/lsmcli/Makefile.am | 1 +
2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/python_binding/Makefile.am b/python_binding/Makefile.am
index bd0123c..8b0581a 100644
--- a/python_binding/Makefile.am
+++ b/python_binding/Makefile.am
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ externaldir = $(lsmdir)/external
lsm_PYTHON = \
lsm/__init__.py \
lsm/_client.py \
- lsm/_cmdline.py \
lsm/_common.py \
lsm/_data.py \
lsm/_transport.py \
diff --git a/tools/lsmcli/Makefile.am b/tools/lsmcli/Makefile.am
index 213f422..bcacfed 100644
--- a/tools/lsmcli/Makefile.am
+++ b/tools/lsmcli/Makefile.am
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ lsmclidir = $(pythondir)/lsm/lsmcli

lsmcli_PYTHON = \
data_display.py \
+ cmdline.py \
Gris Ge
2014-05-22 14:48:05 UTC
* RPM spec file update for cmdline.py rename.

Signed-off-by: Gris Ge <***@redhat.com>
packaging/libstoragemgmt.spec.in | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/packaging/libstoragemgmt.spec.in b/packaging/libstoragemgmt.spec.in
index 37bfa8a..b7b391a 100644
--- a/packaging/libstoragemgmt.spec.in
+++ b/packaging/libstoragemgmt.spec.in
@@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ fi

%if 0%{?fedora} >= 15 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
@@ -324,7 +325,6 @@ fi
Gris Ge
2014-05-22 14:48:06 UTC
* New lsm public static method:
* The cmdline.py is not depending on lsm API private methods[1]:
1. Moved getch() from _common.py to cmdline.py

* Changes has been tested by "make check", "make rpm", "make distcheck".

Signed-off-by: Gris Ge <***@redhat.com>
python_binding/lsm/__init__.py | 2 +-
python_binding/lsm/_common.py | 15 ---------------
python_binding/lsm/_pluginrunner.py | 4 ++--
tools/lsmcli/__init__.py | 1 +
tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py | 21 +++++++++++++++++++--
tools/lsmcli/lsmcli | 4 ++--
6 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/python_binding/lsm/__init__.py b/python_binding/lsm/__init__.py
index 17061d1..c522d4b 100644
--- a/python_binding/lsm/__init__.py
+++ b/python_binding/lsm/__init__.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from version import VERSION

from _common import Error, Info, LsmError, ErrorLevel, ErrorNumber, \
JobStatus, uri_parse, md5, Proxy, size_bytes_2_size_human, \
- common_urllib2_error_handler
+ common_urllib2_error_handler, size_human_2_size_bytes
from _data import Initiator, Disk, \
Volume, Pool, System, FileSystem, FsSnapshot, NfsExport, BlockRange, \
AccessGroup, OptionalData, Capabilities, txt_a
diff --git a/python_binding/lsm/_common.py b/python_binding/lsm/_common.py
index 2fdc653..0ba2965 100644
--- a/python_binding/lsm/_common.py
+++ b/python_binding/lsm/_common.py
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ import re

import sys
import syslog
-import tty
-import termios
import collections
import inspect
import urllib2
@@ -56,19 +54,6 @@ def default_property(name, allow_set=True, doc=None):

return decorator

-## Get a character from stdin without needing a return key pressed.
-# Returns the character pressed
-def getch():
- fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
- prev = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
- try:
- tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())
- ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
- finally:
- termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, prev)
- return ch
def common_urllib2_error_handler(exp):

if isinstance(exp, urllib2.HTTPError):
diff --git a/python_binding/lsm/_pluginrunner.py b/python_binding/lsm/_pluginrunner.py
index 7e8121b..de2c832 100644
--- a/python_binding/lsm/_pluginrunner.py
+++ b/python_binding/lsm/_pluginrunner.py
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import traceback
import sys
from _common import SocketEOF as _SocketEOF
from lsm import LsmError, Error, ErrorNumber
-import _cmdline
import _transport
+from lsm.lsmcli import cmd_line_wrapper

class PluginRunner(object):
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class PluginRunner(object):

self.cmdline = True
- _cmdline.cmd_line_wrapper(plugin)
+ cmd_line_wrapper(plugin)

def run(self):
#Don't need to invoke this when running stand alone as a cmdline
diff --git a/tools/lsmcli/__init__.py b/tools/lsmcli/__init__.py
index e69de29..20db96c 100644
--- a/tools/lsmcli/__init__.py
+++ b/tools/lsmcli/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from cmdline import cmd_line_wrapper
diff --git a/tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py b/tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py
index e0d5c01..67a551c 100644
--- a/tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py
+++ b/tools/lsmcli/cmdline.py
@@ -12,20 +12,24 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# Author: tasleson
+# Gris Ge <***@redhat.com>

import os
import sys
import getpass
import time
+import tty
+import termios

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter

from lsm import (Client, Pool, VERSION, LsmError, Capabilities, Disk,
Initiator, Volume, JobStatus, ErrorNumber, BlockRange,
- uri_parse)
+ uri_parse, Proxy, size_human_2_size_bytes)

-from _common import getch, size_human_2_size_bytes, Proxy
from lsm.lsmcli.data_display import (
DisplayData, PlugData, out,
pool_raid_type_str_to_type, pool_member_type_str_to_type,
@@ -54,6 +58,19 @@ def cmd_line_wrapper(c=None):

+## Get a character from stdin without needing a return key pressed.
+# Returns the character pressed
+def getch():
+ fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ prev = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
+ try:
+ tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())
+ ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
+ finally:
+ termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, prev)
+ return ch
## This class represents a command line argument error
class ArgError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs):
diff --git a/tools/lsmcli/lsmcli b/tools/lsmcli/lsmcli
index 2b764b1..d626b99 100755
--- a/tools/lsmcli/lsmcli
+++ b/tools/lsmcli/lsmcli
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Author: tasleson
-from lsm._cmdline import cmd_line_wrapper
+from lsm.lsmcli import cmd_line_wrapper

## Command line interface for libStorageMgmt.
# This is contained in a separate class which can be shared across all the py
# plug-ins.
if __name__ == '__main__':
- cmd_line_wrapper()
\ No newline at end of file
+ cmd_line_wrapper()
Tony Asleson
2014-05-22 21:42:45 UTC
Post by Gris Ge
* When running plugin in standalone mode, will got NO_SUPPORT error.
Any idea?
My patch to rename the startup/shutdown methods to
plugin_register/plugin_unregister injected a bug as I forgot to make
sure that the stand alone worked.

However, after I fixed that and then added a test pass in the test suite
I discovered that I also introduced a bug when I renamed the python
client interface from access_group_list to access_groups. The client
interface then did not match the plug-in interface.
Post by Gris Ge
* Do we really need the plugin standalone mode? It make LSM python library
depending on a external plugin.
Yes, however I don't understand your statement though. There is no
dependency of the library depending on an external plug-in. The
plug-ins depend on the lsmcli.command_line being available, which isn't
an issue as we always install lsmcli.

Being able to run a plug-in standalone allows the plug-in developer the
ability to use a source level debugger instead of print statements.
This is what I did to find out why this wasn't working very quickly.

I would really like to have this functionality for C plug-ins too.
However, I haven't found a good way to write the command line interface
once and provide it as a library for both python & C unless I write it
in C and add bindings for python. Doable, but way more complicated than
what we have now.

Patch series committed, thanks!

