[Libstoragemgmt-devel] [PATCH 1/4] smis.py: Remove duplicate function
Tony Asleson
2014-05-14 22:41:47 UTC
Remove copy & pasted method

Signed-off-by: Tony Asleson <***@redhat.com>
plugin/smispy/smis.py | 45 ---------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugin/smispy/smis.py b/plugin/smispy/smis.py
index fe50d6b..0cf0038 100644
--- a/plugin/smispy/smis.py
+++ b/plugin/smispy/smis.py
@@ -3147,51 +3147,6 @@ class Smis(IStorageAreaNetwork):
return cim_pri_exts

- def _pri_cim_ext_of_cim_disk(self, cim_disk_path, property_list=None):
- """
- Usage:
- Find out the Primordial CIM_StorageExtent of CIM_DiskDrive
- In SNIA SMI-S 1.4 rev.6 Block book, section 11.1.1 'Base Model'
- quote:
- A disk drive is modeled as a single MediaAccessDevice (DiskDrive)
- That shall be linked to a single StorageExtent (representing the
- storage in the drive) by a MediaPresent association. The
- StorageExtent class represents the storage of the drive and
- contains its size.
- Parameter:
- cim_disk_path # CIM_InstanceName of CIM_DiskDrive
- property_list # a List of properties needed on returned
- # CIM_StorageExtent
- Returns:
- cim_pri_ext # The CIM_Instance of Primordial CIM_StorageExtent
- Exceptions:
- LsmError
- ErrorNumber.INTERNAL_ERROR # Failed to find out pri cim_ext
- """
- pros = []
- if property_list is None:
- pros = ['Primordial']
- else:
- pros = property_list
- if 'Primordial' not in pros:
- pros.extend(['Primordial'])
- cim_exts = self._c.Associators(cim_disk_path,
- AssocClass='CIM_MediaPresent',
- ResultClass='CIM_StorageExtent',
- PropertyList=pros)
- cim_exts = [p for p in cim_exts if p["Primordial"]]
- if (cim_exts and cim_exts[0]):
- # As SNIA commanded, only _ONE_ Primordial CIM_StorageExtent for
- # each CIM_DiskDrive
- return cim_exts[0]
- else:
- raise LsmError(ErrorNumber.INTERNAL_ERROR,
- "Failed to find out Primordial " +
- "CIM_StorageExtent for CIM_DiskDrive %s " %
- cim_disk_path)
- @handle_cim_errors
def _find_preset_cim_st(self, cim_cap_path, raid_type):