[Libstoragemgmt-devel] IRC Meeting minutes -- 12 March 2014(UTC)
Gris Ge
2014-03-12 23:29:48 UTC
TODO Check:
* Plugin test draft
Action: Tony
State: Done

* LSM simulator daemon draft
Action: Gris
State: Not started yet.

Meeting minutes:
* LSI mptctl support.
Action: NULL
Plan: Working on bioctl and drop mptctl support idea.
Info: Current Linux kernel provides mptctl kernel module for
querying/controlling MPT hardware RAID cards(LSI
MegaRAID and FusionMPT) We can create a python module(in
C) to use ioctl on /dev/mptctl for this. But after
discussions, Tony and Gris agreed on creating bioctl
first in stead of wasting effort on vendor-specific

* OpenLMI support.
Action: Gris
Plan: Check with OpenLMI first. Discuss later.
Info: OpenLMI provides management support for Linux storage
like LUKS, soft RAID, LVM.
Gris Ge