Gris Ge
2014-05-08 03:34:01 UTC
# The timeline is based on GMT+8
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:00:26] <cnfourt> IRC meeting start in 5 minutes.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:00:31] Nick Nickname already in use, try a different one.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:01:12] Quit fge (~***@ has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:01:19] Nick You are now known as fge.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:03:11] <tasleson> Hello!
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:03:48] <fge> tasleson: Hi Tony. 'cnfourt' is my another nickname.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:04:17] <tasleson> Yeah, I saw your nick change
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:07:24] <fge> OK. I just have one topic today: In NetApp ONTAP plugin, it will disable snapshot when creating netapp volume.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:08:29] <fge> I think we should not change user's or NetApp default setting.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:09:08] <tasleson> Oh, I did that to disable getting auto generated snapshots.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:09:46] <tasleson> Is that a system wide setting or per netapp volume?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:10:12] <fge> it's in def volume_create
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:10:32] <fge> per-volume
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:11:38] <fge> it turn off snapshot and auto export when creating new netapp volume.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:12:23] <tasleson> Yeah, we can probably take disabling the auto snapshot out. The auto export seemed like a security issue for me
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:14:22] <fge> tasleson: is there a way for usr to disable auto export system wide?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:14:46] <tasleson> That i'm not sure about.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:16:34] <fge> Let me check their documents. If there is no system wide way, we disable auto-export.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:17:15] <fge> if there is a system wide way, we must let us to decide and warning in wiki or manpage.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:17:45] <tasleson> Agreed, we shouldn't override the end users config if they indeed want auto export enabled.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:18:14] <fge> Then, we are on the same page.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:18:58] <fge> For file replication, I would like to discuss it next week. I need to investgate more on NetApp and SMI-S implementation.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:19:10] <fge> anything you want to talk about?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:19:43] <fge> s/we must let us/we must let user/
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:20:25] <tasleson> I'm just working though issues that I am running into running tests against smi-s providers. I'm also going to work on a patch so that we can retrieve the front side ports for the array
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:21:04] <fge> which profile we are using?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:21:38] <tasleson> You are referring to SMI-S profile?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:21:55] <fge> Yes. Is that 'Generic Target Ports Profile' in common profile book?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:22:19] <tasleson> I'm not sure, I haven't even looked around for it yet.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:22:46] <tasleson> I just know that I need this information available to allow automated tests to work
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:23:26] <fge> Yes. My use target WWPN and host WWPN to identify array and HBA.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:27:16] <fge> tasleson: Anything else you want to share?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:27:50] <tasleson> Nope, that will do it, thanks!
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:28:21] <fge> Let's wait 5 minutes in case anyone want to share a topic.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:28:28] <tasleson> Sure
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:29:53] <tasleson> fge: Are you planning on attending any SMI-S plug-fests?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:30:41] <fge> Yes. I will attend the May 19-22 one in China Shanghai.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:30:53] <tasleson> Great!
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:33:03] <fge> Any chance we could meet in person?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:35:19] <tasleson> That would be good. I will find out how we can make this happen.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:35:51] <tasleson> I don't have any plans to travel to the plug-fest in China.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:36:34] <tasleson> They are having a simultaneous plug-fest in California at the same time, but I won't be attending that one either.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:36:59] <fge> I am not a travel person also.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:37:13] <fge> I am kind of reget atteding the M$ hold plug-fest.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:37:38] <tasleson> Make sure you wear a Red Hat shirt :-)
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:38:06] <fge> Sure. I even change my phone from Lumia 920 to HP Veer(Webos -- Linux).
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:38:26] <fge> :)
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:38:41] <tasleson> Well, you don't have to go that far :-)
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:00:26] <cnfourt> IRC meeting start in 5 minutes.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:00:31] Nick Nickname already in use, try a different one.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:01:12] Quit fge (~***@ has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:01:19] Nick You are now known as fge.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:03:11] <tasleson> Hello!
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:03:48] <fge> tasleson: Hi Tony. 'cnfourt' is my another nickname.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:04:17] <tasleson> Yeah, I saw your nick change
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:07:24] <fge> OK. I just have one topic today: In NetApp ONTAP plugin, it will disable snapshot when creating netapp volume.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:08:29] <fge> I think we should not change user's or NetApp default setting.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:09:08] <tasleson> Oh, I did that to disable getting auto generated snapshots.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:09:46] <tasleson> Is that a system wide setting or per netapp volume?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:10:12] <fge> it's in def volume_create
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:10:32] <fge> per-volume
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:11:38] <fge> it turn off snapshot and auto export when creating new netapp volume.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:12:23] <tasleson> Yeah, we can probably take disabling the auto snapshot out. The auto export seemed like a security issue for me
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:14:22] <fge> tasleson: is there a way for usr to disable auto export system wide?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:14:46] <tasleson> That i'm not sure about.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:16:34] <fge> Let me check their documents. If there is no system wide way, we disable auto-export.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:17:15] <fge> if there is a system wide way, we must let us to decide and warning in wiki or manpage.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:17:45] <tasleson> Agreed, we shouldn't override the end users config if they indeed want auto export enabled.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:18:14] <fge> Then, we are on the same page.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:18:58] <fge> For file replication, I would like to discuss it next week. I need to investgate more on NetApp and SMI-S implementation.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:19:10] <fge> anything you want to talk about?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:19:43] <fge> s/we must let us/we must let user/
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:20:25] <tasleson> I'm just working though issues that I am running into running tests against smi-s providers. I'm also going to work on a patch so that we can retrieve the front side ports for the array
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:21:04] <fge> which profile we are using?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:21:38] <tasleson> You are referring to SMI-S profile?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:21:55] <fge> Yes. Is that 'Generic Target Ports Profile' in common profile book?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:22:19] <tasleson> I'm not sure, I haven't even looked around for it yet.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:22:46] <tasleson> I just know that I need this information available to allow automated tests to work
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:23:26] <fge> Yes. My use target WWPN and host WWPN to identify array and HBA.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:27:16] <fge> tasleson: Anything else you want to share?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:27:50] <tasleson> Nope, that will do it, thanks!
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:28:21] <fge> Let's wait 5 minutes in case anyone want to share a topic.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:28:28] <tasleson> Sure
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:29:53] <tasleson> fge: Are you planning on attending any SMI-S plug-fests?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:30:41] <fge> Yes. I will attend the May 19-22 one in China Shanghai.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:30:53] <tasleson> Great!
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:33:03] <fge> Any chance we could meet in person?
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:35:19] <tasleson> That would be good. I will find out how we can make this happen.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:35:51] <tasleson> I don't have any plans to travel to the plug-fest in China.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:36:34] <tasleson> They are having a simultaneous plug-fest in California at the same time, but I won't be attending that one either.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:36:59] <fge> I am not a travel person also.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:37:13] <fge> I am kind of reget atteding the M$ hold plug-fest.
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:37:38] <tasleson> Make sure you wear a Red Hat shirt :-)
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:38:06] <fge> Sure. I even change my phone from Lumia 920 to HP Veer(Webos -- Linux).
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:38:26] <fge> :)
[Wednesday 07 May 2014] [23:38:41] <tasleson> Well, you don't have to go that far :-)
Gris Ge
Gris Ge