[Libstoragemgmt-devel] IRC Meeting minutes -- 05 March 2014(UTC)
Gris Ge
2014-03-05 23:36:31 UTC
* Plugin test draft
Action: Tony
Plan: Provide a initial codes for guys to work on this week or later.
* Plugin test will focus on testing plugin using LSM python API.
* Capacity driven tests.
* Split log parse and report generator out. Allowing people submit test
log for representing in support status or investigate bugs.

* LSM simulator daemon
Action: Gris
Plan: Provide a initial codes after SMI-S plugin works about
pool creation and status validation.
* Change current simulator to:
1. Daemon -- lsm_simd.py
2. Utils -- lsm_sim_utils.py
* The daemon will hold the state file and allowing change
pool/disk/volume/etc status in runtime.
* Cons:
1. More tests about fault monitoring.
2. Simulator disk failure when volume/pool creation.
3. Future spare disk handling API design.
* The daemon will use socket for IPC and running as single thread.
Gris Ge