[Libstoragemgmt-devel] [SCM] libstoragemgmt branch, master, updated. 1.0.0-50-gac5b8ca
Tony Asleson
2014-11-13 22:58:54 UTC
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "libstoragemgmt".

The branch, master has been updated
via ac5b8ca0ab03c22815a249e6e166ae25fad9897a (commit)
via af62cbd865920c54c4c8bbcbd671044605b16019 (commit)
via 0dee3afb71d40cdf09406cf233f44102b36bd81e (commit)
via 1422e18f4870444017a5eb5e2f0d76c79e3a564f (commit)
via dc13e3fdb3e93a1db4d1b725f0e2df96fbc41857 (commit)
via c7427f7816de819097d514999282e59269a29dd7 (commit)
via 4e8ff052188e0496ededf28953c8b75f98aa0401 (commit)
via 9fee4a0e0a5a222f87815d51e659665f91b62a10 (commit)
via 558137c294faff5892f6aad0f2df4fd519463362 (commit)
from d83cea9074d9b663a919671273aee86c26d20d87 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit ac5b8ca0ab03c22815a249e6e166ae25fad9897a
Author: Tony Asleson <***@redhat.com>
Date: Thu Nov 13 11:47:40 2014 -0600

SMI-S Plugin: Fix typos

Signed-off-by: Tony Asleson <***@redhat.com>

commit af62cbd865920c54c4c8bbcbd671044605b16019
Author: Tony Asleson <***@redhat.com>
Date: Thu Nov 13 11:34:03 2014 -0600

SMI-S Plugin: pep8 corrections

Signed-off-by: Tony Asleson <***@redhat.com>

commit 0dee3afb71d40cdf09406cf233f44102b36bd81e
Author: Tony Asleson <***@redhat.com>
Date: Thu Nov 13 11:33:17 2014 -0600

smis_sys.py: Change variable name to not match method

Removes any doubt which value we are returning.

Signed-off-by: Tony Asleson <***@redhat.com>

commit 1422e18f4870444017a5eb5e2f0d76c79e3a564f
Author: Christophe Fergeau <***@redhat.com>
Date: Wed Nov 12 23:37:13 2014 +0100

lsm_rest: Use strdup when appropriate

commit dc13e3fdb3e93a1db4d1b725f0e2df96fbc41857
Author: Christophe Fergeau <***@redhat.com>
Date: Wed Nov 12 23:37:12 2014 +0100

doc: Add missing ')' to lsm_volume_name_get API doc

commit c7427f7816de819097d514999282e59269a29dd7
Author: Christophe Fergeau <***@redhat.com>
Date: Wed Nov 12 23:37:11 2014 +0100

doc: Fix LSM_ERROR_OK typo in API doc

The correct name is LSM_ERR_OK.

commit 4e8ff052188e0496ededf28953c8b75f98aa0401
Author: Christophe Fergeau <***@redhat.com>
Date: Wed Nov 12 23:37:10 2014 +0100

build-sys: Process 'daemon' dir before 'packaging'

Running 'make install' in the packaging dir tries to write some files to
/usr regardless of the prefix being used, which fails if make install is
ran as non-root. As the daemon dir is listed after the packaging dir,
the daemon will not get installed in this situation as make install will
fail while processing packaging.

The files from packaging/ are not mandatory during
development/local testing, so they can be processed last. make install
will still fail when being run unpriviledged, but at least the daemon
will be installed.

commit 9fee4a0e0a5a222f87815d51e659665f91b62a10
Author: Christophe Fergeau <***@redhat.com>
Date: Wed Nov 12 23:37:09 2014 +0100

Use named constant instead of hardcoded value

The rest of the daemon uses the 'plugin_extension' constant rather than
directly referring to "_lsmplugin"

commit 558137c294faff5892f6aad0f2df4fd519463362
Author: Gris Ge <***@redhat.com>
Date: Thu Nov 13 19:44:59 2014 +0800

SMI-S Plugin: Move code to smis_ag.py and smis_vol.py (squashed commits)

* New script:
1. smis_ag.py: Hold AccessGroup related methods
2. smis_vol.py: Hold Volume related methods
* Makefile and RPM SPEC file updated for new file smis_ag.py and smis_vol.py.
* Replaces smis.Smis._vol_id() with smis_vol.vol_id_of_cim_vol()
* Replaces smis.Smis._property_list_of_id('Volume') with
* Replace smis.Smis._cim_vol_pros() with smis_vol.cim_vol_pros()
* Replace smis.Smis._new_vol() with smis_pool.cim_vol_to_lsm_vol()
* Moved _vpd83_xxx method into smis_pool.py as it's private used by
* The smis_pool.cim_vol_to_lsm_vol() require caller to provide pool_id and
systemd_id as they should handled by smis_pool.py and smis_sys.py.
smis_sys.sys_id_of_cim_vol() is added for this seek.
* As these two methods will be commonly used across smis_xxx.py,
move them into utils.py file:
-> utils.cim_path_to_path_str()
- utils.path_str_to_cim_path()
* Replace smis.Smis._pi() with SmisCommon.invoke_method().
* When a exception triggered, invoke_method() will call 'error_handler'
with argument of: SmisCommon, method_data.
In this patch, smis_vol.volume_create_error_handler() is the
error_handler of volume_create(). It's stored in
so that job_status() could use the same error handler.
* The invoke_method() also take 'out_handler' parameter which will be
called if the method finished in SYNC way.
In this patch, self._new_vol_from_name() is the out_handler of
* Moved job id generator and parser into smis_common.py:
smis.Smis._job_id() -> smis_common.SmisCommon.job_id_of_cim_job()
smis.Smis._parse_job_id() -> smis_common.SmisCommon.parse_job_id()
* Move duplicate volume checker method to smis_vol.py as the volume create
error handler require it while smis_vol.py cannot depend on smis.py:
smis.Smis._volume_exists -> smis_vol.volume_name_exists
smis.Smis._check_for_dupe_vol() -> smis_vol.volume_create_error_handler()
* Store cim_vol_path data in Volume.plugin_date.
* Replace
smis.Smis._get_cim_instance_by_id('Volume', volume.id)
-> smis_vol.lsm_vol_to_cim_vol_path()
* Changed smis.Smis._deal_volume_associations_netappe() and
smis.Smis._deal_volume_associations() to take cim_vol_path only.
* Replace SmisCommon.get_class_instance() and get_cim_service_path() with:
SmisCommon.cim_scs_of_sys_id() CIM_StorageConfigurationService
SmisCommon.cim_rs_of_sys_id() CIM_ReplicationService
SmisCommon.cim_gmms_of_sys_id() CIM_GroupMaskingMappingService
SmisCommon.cim_ccs_of_sys_id() CIM_ControllerConfigurationService
SmisCommon.cim_hwms_of_sys_id() CIM_StorageHardwareIDManagementService
* smis.Smis._cim_spc_of() changed to use system_id instead of cim_sys.path
to benefit this change.
* Empty smis_ag.py with license only.
* Makefile and RPM SPEC file updated.
* Removed smis._dmtf_init_type_to_lsm(). It has been merged into
* Replaced these methods:
-> smis_ag.cim_spc_pros()
-> smis_ag._cim_inits_to_lsm_init_id_and_type()
-> smis_ag.cim_spc_to_lsm_ag()
-> cim_init_of_cim_spc_path()
-> cim_init_of_cim_init_mg_path()
* Save cim_spc_path or cim_init_mg_path into lsm.AccessGroup.plugin_data
* Replaces these methods for converting lsm.AccessGroup to
-> smis_ag.lsm_ag_to_cim_spc_path()
-> smis_ag.lsm_ag_to_cim_init_mg_path()
* Replace smis.Smis._cim_init_mg_pros() with

Changes in V2:
* Fix typo: gernarate -> generate in smis_vol.py.
* Correct document for smis_vol.volume_name_exists:
:param name: Volume ElementName
-> :param volume_name: Volume ElementName
* Fix incorrect variable name in smis_common.SmisCommon.invoke_method():
msg, datetime.datetime.now().isoformat())
-> : cmd, datetime.datetime.now().isoformat())
* Fix typo in smis_common.SmisCommon:
defination -> definition
metioned -> motioned
* Fix incorrect variable in smis.Smis._check_exist_cim_dev_mg():
cim_gmm.path, **in_params)
-> cim_gmms_path, **in_params)
* Add the missing import in smis_ag.py:
LsmError, ErrorNumber

Changes in V3:
* Fix debug_path of smis.Smis.plugin_register().
* PEP8 fix in smis.py.
* Fix traceback log displaying in SmisCommon.invoke_method().
* Pylint fix for smis_ag.py and smis_vol.py(both 10/10 point now):
1. Relative import. Use 'from lsm.plugin.smispy import smis_ag' instead of
'import smis_ag'
2. Add module docstring for smis_ag and smis_vol.
3. Remove unused parameter 'smis_common' of smis_vol.cim_vol_to_lsm_vol().
4. Renamed long method:
* smis_ag._cim_inits_to_lsm_init_id_and_type()
-> smis_ag._init_id_and_type_of()
* smis_vol._vpd83_in_cim_vol_otherinfo_netapp()
-> smis_vol._vpd83_netapp()
5. Renamed short variable name:
* smis_ag._init_id_and_type_of()
rc -> cim_inits
* smis_vol._vpd83_in_cim_vol_name()
nn -> name_space
nf -> name_format
* smis_vol.cim_vol_of_cim_pool_path()
rc -> needed_cim_vols
* smis_ag.cim_init_of_cim_spc_path()
ce -> cim_error
6. Remove unused variable 'ag_init_ids' in smis_ag.cim_spc_to_lsm_ag().
7. Add docstring to these methods:
* smis_ag.cim_init_mg_to_lsm_ag()
* smis_ag.cim_spc_to_lsm_ag()
* smis_vol.vol_id_of_cim_vol()
* smis_vol._vpd83_of_cim_vol()

Changes in V4:
* Fix volume-replicate() and volume-resize() invoke output handler:
When SYNC invoke finished, it should call smis.Smis._new_vol_from_name()
to generate lsm.Volume object.
* Add workaround for HP 3PAR bug in _new_vol_from_job():
Associators() for CIM_ConcreteJob will not return any cim_vols if
PropertyList argument defined when creating COPY replication.
As we didn't use PropertyList argument in Associators of
_new_vol_from_job() in previous code, we didn't hit this problem
with old code.
* Fix 'raise_error=False' in these methods to skip CIMError:

Signed-off-by: Gris Ge <***@redhat.com>


Summary of changes:
Makefile.am | 2 +-
c_binding/include/libstoragemgmt/libstoragemgmt.h | 2 +-
.../libstoragemgmt/libstoragemgmt_volumes.h | 2 +-
daemon/lsm_daemon.c | 2 +-
daemon/lsm_rest.c | 9 +-
packaging/libstoragemgmt.spec.in | 2 +
plugin/Makefile.am | 4 +-
plugin/smispy/dmtf.py | 2 +
plugin/smispy/smis.py | 1118 ++++++--------------
plugin/smispy/smis_ag.py | 205 ++++
plugin/smispy/smis_cap.py | 48 +-
plugin/smispy/smis_common.py | 302 ++++--
plugin/smispy/smis_disk.py | 6 +-
plugin/smispy/smis_pool.py | 32 +-
plugin/smispy/smis_sys.py | 18 +-
plugin/smispy/smis_vol.py | 242 +++++
plugin/smispy/utils.py | 23 +-
17 files changed, 1082 insertions(+), 937 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 plugin/smispy/smis_ag.py
create mode 100644 plugin/smispy/smis_vol.py
